Agenda item - Chairs Communications
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Agenda item
Chairs Communications
2.1 The Chair provided the following updates:
Private View of the Royal Collection at Brighton Pavilion
2.2 The Chair had attended the Private View of the Royal Collection at Brighton Pavilion and had seen the very impressive collection of works of art that have been relocated back to their former home whilst the East Wing of Buckingham Palace underwent building works. The collection included over 120 objects that have not been on public display for over 170 years and the result was absolutely splendid.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year
2.3 The Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition was on show at Brighton Museum from May until early September. It was a very popular exhibition; visitor responses had been consistently positive, showing that they had been engaged and interested. 96% of visitors to the exhibition had rated it Excellent or Good, with 58% saying it was their main reason or one of their reasons for visiting Brighton Museum. Visitors loved the photos and had felt moved by the subject matter.
Preston Manor, Family Riddle Trail
2.4 At Preston Manor, the new family riddle trail had received a positive response from the local community. The trail introduced twins and their pet dog that grew up in the Manor in Victorian times and encouraged exploration of the house through rhymes, riddles, playthings and clues.
2.5 VisitBrighton had worked with over 527 City partners engaged in tourism and over the last 3 months had run a digital campaign to promote live music, entitled ‘Brighton Calling’ reaching. It could reach 1m+ people and had resulted in proposals being submitted for 32 conference enquiries, which had the potential to generate £17m of economic benefit.
2.6 Over the last period the Trades Union Congress and the Labour Party Conference 2019 had been delivered successfully delivered. Confirmed new meetings and events for the City included:
2.7 Praxis Auril Annual Conference – June 2020, British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience Conference – Sept 2020, Festival of Choirs – Sept 2020 Meeting Professionals International European Conference – Feb 2021, The Sociological Association Conference – Sept 2021.
2.8 RESOLVED – That the content of the Chair’s Communications be noted and received.