Agenda item - Member Involvement
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Agenda item
Member Involvement
To consider the following matters raised by Members:
(a) Petitions: To receive any petitions;
(b) Written Questions: To consider any written questions;
(i) Madeira Terraces- Councillor Fishleigh
(ii) Black Rock- Councillor Fishleigh
(c) Letters: To consider any letters;
(i) Large-scale AirBnBs (party houses) in residential areas
(d) Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Full Council or submitted directly to the Committee.
6a Petitions
6.1 There were none.
6b(i) Madeira Terraces
6.2 It was noted that a question had been received from Councillor Fishleigh set out at Page 17 of the agenda and below. The Chair to invited Councillor Fishleigh to put her question:
“Since the now decommissioned TD&C Committee last met, how many grant applications have been submitted for the restoration of Madeira Terraces, how many organisations have been approached for corporate sponsorship - and how much new money has been raised?”
6.4 The Chair, Councillor Robins responded in the following terms:
“The TD&C Committee met on 20th June 2019, since then the team have been considering the merit of pursuing a bid with National Lottery Heritage Fund, such bids are resource hungry and more ground work is required before the council is ready to do so. The team have also had to be mindful of the bid made by the Royal Pavilion to the same funding body just recently. NLHF have strongly advised Madeira Terrace does not compete with the Royal Pavilion.
In relation to pursuing corporate sponsorship this requires careful consideration and resource of a dedicated fundraiser to clearly set out requirements and engage corporate sponsors effectively. Both previous bids to National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) included a request of funding to provide Fundraiser resource capacity. A full report detailing the work involved is available if required.
Since 20 June 2019 £360 has been raised through sales of Save Madeira Terrace merchandise and a generous personal donation.
The first raffle money went into the crowdfunding pot. Money from the second and third raffle is with the community.”
6.5 Councillor Fishleigh was invited to put a supplementary question if she had one.
6b(ii) Black Rock
6.6 It was noted that a further question had been received from Councillor Fishleigh set out at Page 17 of the agenda and below. The Chair to invited Councillor Fishleigh to put her question:
“Please would you update us on the situation with regards to a new conference centre at Black Rock; is the project still moving forward?”
6.7 The Chair, Councillor Robins responded in the following terms:
“The project is still moving forward. The works funded by the Local Enterprise Partnership for the Black Rock project approved in 2017 were set aside to help with preparing the site for future development by de-risking and decontaminating the site. The council now has a team of professional’s putting together a works package which will be submitted for planning at the end of October/early November. As it is not possible to confirm a timeline for final development of the site yet, the Black Rock Enabling project works will ensure that for the short to medium term there are measures to address disconnectedness, poor public realm, graffiti and lack of activity, so that the site can be better used and will be a more attractive space for events. At present the work package includes, provision for a new route for a future bus route which could serve the Marina and Madeira Drive and will take the route at the rear of the site beneath the access ramps. his is infrastructure at this stage and its likely won’t become operable until there is some future development of the site or the Marina. A newly accessible and properly lit temporary event space for the area that is currently boarded up, which will allow for future more frequent events. Improved public realm around the reading rooms to allow a clearer, and well-lit pedestrian route to and from the reading rooms directly to the main A259 seafront road with new pedestrian landing area and way finding.
Consultation has yet to start on the full proposals which are in the process of being fully costed and also need to be presented to the Local Enterprise Partnership in mid-October before wider consultation can begin.
All of the above, will allow for the site to be revitalised in the short term if development is not forthcoming immediately on the Black Rock site. The works will also ensure that once a plan for development is finally agreed in 2 to 3 years’ time, there are fewer contractor risks in the ground to delay the programme or increase the costs.” |
6.8 Councillor Fishleigh was invited to put a supplementary question if she had one.
6c Letters
Large - Scale Air Bnbs
6.9 It was noted that the contents of the letter received from Councillor Wares had been considered and dealt with under Item 5 (c)
6.10 RESOLVED – that the position be noted.
6d Notices of Motion
6.11 There were none.
Supporting documents:
- Item 6 (b) Members Written Questions, item 6. PDF 185 KB View as HTML (6./1) 22 KB
- Item 6(c) Letter, item 6. PDF 120 KB View as HTML (6./2) 18 KB