Agenda item - Major Projects Update
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Agenda item
Major Projects Update
15.1 The Committee considered the schedule submitted by the Executive Director, Economy, Environment and Culture on providing an update on progress in respect of major projects. It was noted that a number of areas/projects detailed in the schedule no longer sat within the remit of this committee and that there was a need to avoid unnecessary duplication of information. Members indicated that they considered information contained in the schedule to be relevant/valuable and it was agreed that means of disseminating that information appropriately would be explored covered.
Brighton Waterfront
15.2 Councillor Mears stated that “Blackrock” did not appear to have been included in these discussions. It was important that Ward Councillors in all of the wards impacted by future development were included and were kept informed.
15.3 Councillor Nemeth noted that the Waterfront and King Alfred Leisure Centre fell within the remit of the Policy and Resources Committee. He hoped however that this Committee could be kept informed of progress in those areas.
Circus Street
15.4 Councillor Evans stated that she had received expressions of concern from residents of her ward regarding the manner in which the demolition works at Milner Flats and in the surrounding area had been dealt with by the developer. Over 4,000 local residents had objected, and their concerns had been disregarding and they had not been consulted or kept informed. The local MP had been lobbied and a meeting involving senior officers was to be arranged to adydress these matters. The Executive Director, confirmed that both himself and the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing had been actively involved in discussions to address the issues raised. Permission had been given for “student” accommodation in the city and it was hoped that this would relieve some of the pressure on accommodation and residential areas elsewhere.
15.4 RESOLVED – That the position be noted.
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