Agenda item - Progress Update on the Greater Brighton Investment Programme

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Agenda item

Progress Update on the Greater Brighton Investment Programme

Report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board


1)            That the Board note the report and the Investment Programme Update at Appendix 1.


17.1      The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that provided a progress update on the Greater Brighton Investment Programme since the previous meeting of 16 July 2019.


17.2      Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that in the past week, the Treasury had increased interest on loans from the Public Works Board and expressed his fear that would affect key projects on both the Investment Programme and One Public Estate Programme. Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that the LGA had estimated the cost of this decision on council’s to be £70 million and asked if it was known what impact the decision would have upon the Region.


17.3      The Chair noted that the announcement had only been made in the past week and the result of that announcement could be circulated once more information was known.


17.4      RESOLVED- That the Board note the report and the Investment Programme Update at Appendix 1.

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