Agenda item - Items referred from Council
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Agenda item
Items referred from Council
To consider items referred from the last meeting of Full Council held on 25 July 2019
(a) Petitions
(i) Closure of Temple Street
(i) Closure of Temple Street to non-residential traffic
27.1 The Committee considered a petition referred from the meeting of Full Council held on 25 July 2019 and signed by 159 people requesting the council close Temple Street to non-residential traffic.
27.2 As ward councillor for the area, Councillor Druitt spoke to the petition stating that the road was very narrow and speeding traffic caused safety concerns. Furthermore, residents suffered from a high level of noise and pollution due to traffic taking rat runs to avoid the junction at Montpellier Road.
27.3 The Chair provided the following response:
“Thank you for your petition and all the detailed information sent to myself and the other committee members in the run up to this meeting. Thank you too for meeting with me yesterday, it was very useful to hear of your concerns.
Temple Street is located within the city centre that has to accommodate various demands placed on its road network and in particular, residential roads.
I do understand the real concerns that the residents have in relation to the use of side roads as routes where drivers can avoid busy junctions.
The challenge with these concerns is that while it seems a sensible approach to close certain roads, any major change such as a road closure would have to be considered very, very carefully, particularly in relation to the impact of displaced traffic to nearby streets and there would need to be full consultation across the wider area.
This is why any request such as this would require feedback and consultation from a much larger area study. However, with the limited resources available it is necessary to prioritise those resources toward areas where the highest number of crashes are occurring and so this is where scarce funds are targeted.
Regrettably for this reason a scheme for Temple Street would be a low priority at this time. However, after listening to the residents’ concerns and taking advice from officers it may be possible to reverse the flow of the road so that cars can no longer use it as a rat run up from Western Road. This would require the advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order and I can confirm that this will be taken forward as soon as possible to tackle residents’ concerns. I have also asked officers to contact the Police asking that enforcement be undertaken”
27.4 On behalf of the Green Group, Councillor Lloyd moved the following motion:
27.5 Introducing the motion, Councillor Lloyd thanked residents and ward councillors for their work in bringing the matter to committee and suggested that any proposal that could be implemented may be an opportunity to create best practice for the city as a whole.
27.6 Councillor Heley formally seconded the motion.
27.7 Councillor Wares stated his support for the motion.
27.8 Councillor West formally seconded the motion and stated that the right solution needed to be found for residents and the proposal to reverse the current one-way system may inadvertently restrict cycle access.
27.9 The Chair put the motion to the vote which passed.
27.10 RESOLVED- That the Environment, Transport and Sustainability committee calls for an officer report setting out how best to support residents of Temple Street with their request, including the level of resources required for analysing and prioritising the concerns of Temple Street residents, and to analyse the resources required to ensure consideration of the impact on adjacent roads.
Supporting documents:
- Item 27a Petitions FC, item 27. PDF 283 KB View as HTML (27./1) 29 KB
- Item 27 Temple St GrnGrp, item 27. PDF 37 KB View as HTML (27./2) 23 KB