Agenda item - Presentation from Lola Banjoko on plans to reconfigure NHS commissioning across Sussex

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Agenda item

Presentation from Lola Banjoko on plans to reconfigure NHS commissioning across Sussex

Verbal presentation


16.1    This item was introduced by Ashley Scarff, Director of Commissioning Brighton & Hove CCG (rather than by Lola Banjoko as stated in the meeting papers).


16.2    Mr Scarff explained that the seven CCGs currently operating across Sussex would merge into three: West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton & Hove. There has been a strong national steer for there to be one CCG for each Integrated Commissioning System (there is a single Sussex ICS), but the Accountable Officer for Sussex CCGs pushed hard for three CCGs so as have NHS commissioning organisations coterminous with upper-tier local authority boundaries.


16.3    In response to a question from Cllr McNair on variation between the existing CCGs, Mr Scarff told members that there has been some variation in terms of both financial performance and service provision.


16.4    In answer to a query from Cllr Druitt as to why the NHS engages in constant organisational change, Mr Scarff responded by saying that the 2012 Health & Social Care Act represented a significant move towards localism and towards putting clinicians at the heart of the NHS. This had many benefits, but inevitably also introduced undesirable variations between areas. The current move to scaling-up care should address some of these problems. The NHS does seem to oscillate between these two positions over time.


16.5    RESOLVED – that the report be noted.


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