Agenda item - Proposed Submission City Plan Part 2

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Agenda item

Proposed Submission City Plan Part 2

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture.



RESOLVED: That the Committee


1        Noted the summary of the main issues raised in the consultation on the draft City Plan Part Two carried out 5 July – 13 September 2018 (included at Appendix 2 with a full summary schedule set out in the Statement of Consultation published on the City Plan Part Two webpage:;


2        Noted the procedural note for tabling amendments at Full Council (included at Appendix 6) 43.


3        Recommended that the Proposed Submission City Plan Part Two (along with the policies map and other proposed submission documents) was referred to Full Council for consideration.


4        Approved the following studies as supporting evidence for the City Plan: Student Accommodation Study, SHLAA update, Gypsies and Travellers Needs Assessment Update, Build to Rent Study, an Update to the 2018 Wildlife Study, the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 and 2 Screening and the Older Person Housing Needs Assessment 2019.



55.1         The Planning Manager gave a brief summary of the report together with the Principle Planning Officer.


55.2    Councillor Ebel asked the following questions:


1.    How did Officers feel the plan met the provision for affordable housing in the city?

2.    Can Officers identify the site above the shopping centre / brown field site and will there be an investigation into this site?

3.    The Green party asked for restrictions to be place on the number of conversions to holiday homes. Is it possible to explore other council precedents such as Cambridge and Richmond, where holiday lets have been considered as a change of use.


55.3    The Planning Manager gave the following replies:


1.      The main policy is CP20 which seeks up to 40% affordable housing which is quite an ambitious target.  It would not be possible to offer 100% as there is no evidence to show it is viable, so the council tries to secure 40% with a high proportion of affordable homes in the city.


2.    The Council has a program called Direct Delivery on restricted urban sites and these have to be demonstrated as suitable and available.  Sites that have been allocated have been delivered over the period.  The Brighton General Hospital site identified has a number of constraints such as listed buildings and it is simply not viable to require 100% affordable housing on this site.


3.    Holiday lets are classified as residential and that where the council has evidence, the council will change the classification.


55.4    Councillor Ebel then asked 3 more questions:


1.  How will the urban fringe sites be achieved on a practical level?


2.  What kind of eco surveys have been carried out for  the areas for rewilding ?


3.  The reference to achieving a 19% reduction in carbon emissions is low – why is this figure not higher?


55.5    The Planning Manager gave the following answers:


1.     Whilst it is often possible to secure a positive management plan for urban fringe sites, however, some of these are not as well managed as they could be.


2.     In 2015 an incorporated Phase1 habitat surveys were carried out.


3.     The policy has been adopted of CP8 sustainable buildings.  This has to be in accordance with the targets.  The Council’s evidence around the other requirements meant that they could not show to inspections in order to meet the targets.?


55.6    Councillor Nemeth stated that he recognised the work that had gone into the plan.  However, he confirmed that he wanted to abstain and have a full debate at Full Council on this report.


55.7    RESOLVED:


(1)      That the summary of the main issues raised in the consultation on the draft City Plan Part Two carried out 5 July – 13 September 2018 (included at Appendix 2 with a full summary schedule set out in the Statement of Consultation published on the City Plan Part Two webpage be noted:;


(2)      That the procedural note for tabling amendments at Full Council (included at Appendix 6) be noted;


(3)      That the Proposed Submission City Plan Part Two (along with the policies map and other proposed submission documents) is referred to Full Council for consideration;


(4)      That the following studies as supporting evidence for the City Plan: Student Accommodation Study, SHLAA update, Gypsies and Travellers Needs Assessment Update, Build to Rent Study, an Update to the 2018 Wildlife Study, the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 and 2 Screening and the Older Person Housing Needs Assessment 2019, be approved.




(1)      That the summary of the main issues raised in the consultation on the draft City Plan Part Two carried out 5 July – 13 September 2018 (included at Appendix 2 with a full summary schedule set out in the Statement of Consultation published on the City Plan Part Two webpage be noted:;


(2)      That the Proposed Submission City Plan Part Two (along with the policies map and other proposed submission documents) for statutory public consultation for a period of six weeks commencing May 2020 in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 be approved;


(3)      That the subsequent submission of the documents to the Secretary of State under Regulation 22 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 subject to no material changes, other than alterations for the purposes of clarification, improved accuracy of meaning or typographical corrections, being necessary be approved;


(4)      That the Head of Planning be authorised to agree any draft “main modifications” to the City Plan Part Two necessary to make it sound and to authorise the publication of such draft modifications for public consultation save that should any draft modification involve a major shift in the policy approach of City Plan Part Two the draft modification shall be referred by the Head of Planning to the Tourism Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee for approval.




Supporting documents:


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