Agenda item - Local Industrial Strategy Update

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Agenda item

Local Industrial Strategy Update



15.1      The Board considered a presentation by Jonathan Sharrock that set out the results of the Economic Profile research of the C2C region undertaken, the conclusions of that research and ideas on how that could inform the development of its Local Industrial Strategy.


15.2      Nick Hibberd stated that consultation offered the Greater Brighton region to clear express what it could offer as a city region adding that the draft response would be circulated to the Board and sign off requested via email due to the short timeframe.


15.3      Councillor Platts stated her concern for the extreme short of affordable housing in the region and asked if that response could convey a request for additional powers for local authorities to build housing.


15.4      Councillor Ash-Edwards stated that the information provided was comprehensive and a logical approach would be to draw priorities form the evidence base.


15.5      Andrew Swayne commended the update adding that it was important to focus on an increase in home-based working and home work to meet the objective to reduce the regions carbon footprint.


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