Agenda item - Member Involvement

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Agenda item

Member Involvement

To consider the following matters raised by Members:


(a)         Petitions: To receive any petitions;


(b)         Written Questions: To consider any written questions;


(i)        King Alfred tenants- Councillor Nemeth


(ii)      King Alfred Project Board- Councillor Nemeth


(c)          Letters: To consider any letters;


(d)         Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Full Council or submitted directly to the Committee.



23a     Petitions


23.1    There were none.


23b     Written Question(s)


23.2    It was noted that two written questions had been received from Councillor Nemeth (these were set out at pages 33 and 34 of the circulated agenda) and below:


(i)           King Alfred Tenants - Councillor Nemeth


23.3    “When were the King Alfred Leisure Centre’s tenants and principle user groups last formally informed as agreed about plans for the facility’s redevelopment and exactly which tenants and groups did the communication include?”


23.4    The Chair, Councillor Robins responded in the following terms:


            “Freedom Leisure, the council’s tenant for the King Alfred Leisure Centre were notified on 13 August 2019 that Crest Nicholson had withdrawn from the King Alfred redevelopment. When the council has agreed a way forward with regards to the facility the tenant will be notified to enable staff, sub tenants and user groups to be updated.


23.5    When invited to put a supplementary question, Councillor Nemeth expressed his concern regarding the on-going uncertainties and the Chair responded that the matter was being expedited and that all included members of the committee would be updated further as soon as it was possible to do so. It was hoped that would be early in the New Year. It should also be noted that the end of the project was very heavily publicised, so people would have known about it. If they wanted to find out more about it might mean for their own activities then that was something they would have discussed with “Freedom” who managed the centre day to day, not with the City Council.


23.6    RESOLVED - That the question and the Chair’s response to it be received and noted.


(ii)          King Alfred Project Board


23.7    “What representations will the Chair be making to the King Alfred Leisure Centre Project Board in his capacity as head of sports for the city?”


23.8    The Chair, Councillor Robins, responded in the following terms:


“When closing the last project, the Policy & Resources Committee agreed that a new cross-party Project Board would lead the creation of a new project and oversee its delivery. The Board, which will meet early next year, will have a crucial role to play in resetting the project. This will include reviewing the sporting requirements of a new facility while taking into account the condition of the council’s existing sports facilities, work that is about to commence. The challenges posed by the last project and changing economic conditions will also be considered.


As Chair of this committee I will be taking a keen interest in the project and will be fully engaged in the process throughout, as will the Strategic Delivery Board, chaired by the Leader of the Council, which is also cross-party.”


23.9    RESOLVED – That the question and the  Chair’s response to it be received and noted.

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