Agenda item - Update on Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy development

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Agenda item

Update on Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy development

Report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning (Copy attached)


Contact Officer: Carolyn Bristow                                       Tel: 01273 293736


Ward Affected: All Wards




1.            That the progress made towards the SEND Strategy be noted.


55.1    The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning which sought to notify members of updates in developing a new SEND Strategy. The report was provided by the Service Manager – Directorate Policy & Business Support.


55.2    Councillor Simson enquired why that had been allowed to lapse and expire since the 5 year strategy was set in 2013.


55.3    The Service Manager – Directorate Policy & Business Support stated that the lapse had occurred last year during the significant changes that were taking place.


55.4    Ms Martindale expressed support for co-production and enquired if there was a timetable for works to be brought to committee.


55.5    The Service Manager – Directorate Policy & Business Support stated that works on the draft report had already taken place which were not yet ready for committee. It was stated that the intention was to bring this to March CYPS Committee and that for each priority area there was to be a full action plan.


55.6    Councillor Nield enquired what was being done to engage schools with regard wider movements engaging with people with SEND.


55.7    The Service Manager – Directorate Policy & Business Support stated that there was a lot of work on this being undertaken, many touchpoints were available with wider consultation with people remaining ongoing. It was noted that a safety conference was coming up and gave a brief overview of people with whom BHCC had held conversations.


55.8    Councillor Hills enquired how the strategy was being measured.


55.9    The Service Manager – Directorate Policy & Business Support stated that there were many ways of measuring of how things would be reported on such as BHCC’s effort to link work with PaCC and Amaze.


55.10  RESOLVED:


1.            That the progress made towards the SEND Strategy be noted.

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