Agenda item - Youth Service Review
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Agenda item
Youth Service Review
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 13th January, 2020 4.00pm (Item 52.)
- View the background to item 52.
Report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning (Copy attached)
Contact Officer: Deborah Corbridge Tel: 01273 292953
Ward Affected: All Wards
1. That the current Youth Service Grants Programme be extended and the work of current recipients for a further six months from 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021, subject to funding being agreed in the 2020/21 budget, be funded by committee.
2. That a review of the provision of youth services across the city which will consider the areas set out in paragraph 4.1 of this report and that the findings of the review are brought back to Committee in June 2020 be agreed by Committee. Government funding announcements may affect timings.
3. That the terms of reference of the review by a cross party group of councillors and Youth Wise be agreed.
4. That consideration of an Onside Youth Zone in partnership with Brighton Youth Centre as an option for the Central Youth Hub be considered in the review, and that should the timetable of any government investment mean an application for funding need to be made prior to the end of the review, an urgency CYPS Committee be convened.
5. That the financial assessment of the different options including sources of capital and revenue funding and long term financial viability be considered in the review.
52.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services regarding the July 2018 Ofsted ILACS Action Plan. The report was introduced by the Head of Service Early Years Youth & Family Support and Integrated Team for Families Manager.
52.2 The committee were provided with a brief overview of the report and was advised that the intention was to undertake a full review of youth services and develop the youth hub as well as listen to the voice of young people. It was noted that there was possibility to bid from youth investment fund from Government and to build new or refurbish existing centres.
52.3 On behalf of the Green Group, Councillor Clare moved a motion to amend recommendation 2.4 as shown in bold italics below:
2.4 That the committee agrees that the review will consider an Onside Youth Zone in partnership with Brighton Youth Centre as an option for the Central Youth Hub, and that an urgency CYPS committee will be convened should the timetable of the any government investment mean an application for funding needs to be made prior to the end of the review.
52.4 Councillor Hills formally seconded the motion.
52.5 Councillor Knight sought clarification as to the figures provided in the report.
52.6 The Integrated Team for Families Manager verified the costs and noted that the capital costs were now set to be 8.4 million pounds. It was noted that Onside predicted fundraising to achieve 1million pounds per annum.
52.7 Councillor Knight emphasised the importance of freedom to travel and noted that Moulsecoomb and Hangleton were located far away from the centre of the City.
52.8 Councillor Brown noted support for the review and terms and references and stressed efforts to work with youth groups and schools. It was further noted that more consideration of youth zones was important and that it had always been procedure to hold urgency meetings in the past.
52.9 Councillor Simson expressed concern as to the location being largely based in the City Centre and noted that focus ought to be considered to holding events at outlying areas as well.
52.10 The Integrated Team for Families Manager expressed support to undertake efforts to reach as many young people as possible.
52.11 Ms Martindale stated that groups would require guidance and requested for further community and voluntary assistance. It was noted that owing to efforts across the political spectrum, BHCC could be proud of retaining the Youth Service.
52.12 Councillor Simson referred to recommendation 1 and enquired if money from HRA had been agreed at Housing Committee.
52.13 The Head of Service – Early Years Youth & Family Support confirmed that Housing Committee agreed to extend it for the initial 6 months.
52.14 The Chair put the motion to the vote that passed.
52.15 The Chair then put the recommendations, as amended to the vote that was agreed.
1. That the current Youth Service Grants Programme be extended and the work of current recipients for a further six months from 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021, subject to funding being agreed in the 2020/21 budget, be funded by committee.
2. That a review of the provision of youth services across the city which will consider the areas set out in paragraph 4.1 of this report and that the findings of the review are brought back to Committee in June 2020 be agreed by Committee. Government funding announcements may affect timings.
3. That the terms of reference of the review by a cross party group of councillors and Youth Wise be agreed.
4. That consideration of an Onside Youth Zone in partnership with Brighton Youth Centre as an option for the Central Youth Hub be considered in the review, and that should the timetable of any government investment mean an application for funding need to be made prior to the end of the review, an urgency CYPS Committee be convened.
5. That the financial assessment of the different options including sources of capital and revenue funding and long term financial viability be considered in the review.
Supporting documents:
Youth Service Review, item 52.
PDF 332 KB View as HTML (52./1) 35 KB
Youth Service Review APX. n 1, item 52.
PDF 317 KB View as HTML (52./2) 46 KB
13.01.20 - Green Group Amendment, Youth Service Review, item 52.
PDF 62 KB View as HTML (52./3) 22 KB
13.01.20 - Green Group Amendment, Youth Service Review AMENDED, item 52.
PDF 62 KB View as HTML (52./4) 22 KB