Agenda item - Development of ASC services

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Agenda item

Development of ASC services

Report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning (Copy attached)



Contact Officer: Georgina Clarke-Green                         Tel: 01273 292257


Ward Affected: All Wards





1.            That to meet the forecast future need, the requirement of one Callum Centre be noted and that provision be based at Hove Park School on both sites; opening in September 2020.


2.            That the development of another specialist facility located on both primary and secondary mainstream sites for children and young people who have a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) and who also have Social Emotional Mental Health difficulties (SEMH) and/ or Learning Difficulties (LD) be noted.


3.            That the progress of the co-produced primary and secondary flexible model of educational provision project for ASC children and young people who are unable to attend school, as described in the report, be noted.


54.1    The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director Families, Children & Learning which sought to updated the committee on the progress regarding the development of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) provision within Brighton & Hove. The report was provided by the Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities.


54.2    Councillor Clare enquired if it was possible that BHCC did not receive Central Government funding in regard to temperature arrangements for buildings.


54.3    The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities stated that following a discussion with the National Autistic Society a design meeting on the would be held on the 22nd January to ensure wherever accommodation was set, it would meet needs required without causing anxiety.


54.5    A parent representative noted that parents of children with ASC would rather their children were placed in a space that was good enough rather than having to wait longer.



54.6    Councillor Hills enquired of efforts taken to consider environmental sustainability.


54.7    The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities stated that environmental sustainability was being factored in to discussions.


54.8    Councillor Brown sought clarification as to a timeline of works regarding the setting up of the specialised facility for extra special needs and if expressions of interests could be followed up sooner.


54.9    The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities stated that works regarding the specialised facility were roughly set to be completed in the Spring term however it was more important to make sure everything had been completed correctly.


54.10  Councillor Wilkinson expressed support for the additional specialist facility.


54.11  RESOLVED:


1.            That to meet the forecast future need, the requirement of one Callum Centre be noted and that provision be based at Hove Park School on both sites; opening in September 2020.


2.            That the development of another specialist facility located on both primary and secondary mainstream sites for children and young people who have a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) and who also have Social Emotional Mental Health difficulties (SEMH) and/ or Learning Difficulties (LD) be noted.


3.            That the progress of the co-produced primary and secondary flexible model of educational provision project for ASC children and young people who are unable to attend school, as described in the report, be noted.

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