Agenda item - Blue Book Amendment – Cashless Payment Facilities
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Agenda item
Blue Book Amendment – Cashless Payment Facilities
- Meeting of Licensing Committee (Non Licensing Act 2003 Functions), Thursday, 12th March, 2020 4.00pm (Item 25.)
- View the background to item 25.
Report of the Executive Director, Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities
(copy attached)
RESOLVED – That Members agree that all Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles have a functioning cashless payment facility available for passengers to pay any fare due from 1st September 2020. Proprietors may also have a receipt printing facility should they wish to do so.
25.1 The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Housing Neighbourhoods and Communities requesting that Members consider whether should be a condition that all Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles must have a functioning cashless payment available for passengers.
25.2 It was explained that a request had been made by the Independent Drivers in Brighton and Hove a recent Taxi Forum Meeting that the trade be consulted on a proposal to make all Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles have a functioning cashless payment facility available for passengers. The current position was that cashless payment facilities were voluntary. The UK had the highest revenue in cashless payments and it could therefore be considered reasonable to ensure that hackney carriage and private hire vehicles had facilities to offer cashless payments if required by the passenger. By carrying less cash drivers would be at less risk from losing takings including from theft and the public would be have a record of the transaction.
25.3 Councillor Simson stated that whilst in favour of providing the option for a cashless payment facility to be used, she did not consider it would be reasonable to compel drivers to provide this facility at the present time. In her view, whilst drivers should be encouraged to provide a cashless option, the existing voluntary arrangements should remain in place for the present.
25.4 Councillor Appich concurred but asked how this would be publicised and the means via which drivers would be encouraged to roll-out/provide this service. The Chair stated that the taxi trade were aware of the issue and incrementally the number of operators providing a cashless facility was increasing. Councillor Henry considered that this continue to evolve over time and that drivers should not be pushed into providing this facility.
25.5 Councillor Bagaeen agreed that an incremental approach was the right one and that as more drivers provided this facility as continued to be the case that of itself would encourage more drivers to do so.
25.6 Councillor Deane considered that a measured approach which would enable enforcement action to be taken in concert with this facility.
25.7 Councillor Simson agreed with all that had been said but considered that it was important for those who did provide that show clearly that they did so. It was explained that operators who did so had a window sticker clearly displayed.
25.8 RESOLVED – That Members agree that all Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles have a functioning cashless payment facility available for passengers to pay any fare due from 1st September 2020. Proprietors may also have a receipt printing facility should they wish to do so.
Supporting documents:
Blue Book Amendment – Cashless Payment Facilities, item 25.
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Blue Book Amendment – Cashless Payment Facilities APX. n 1, item 25.
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Blue Book Amendment – Cashless Payment Facilities APX. n 2, item 25.
PDF 233 KB View as HTML (25./3) 19 KB
Blue Book Amendment – Cashless Payment Facilities APX. n 3, item 25.
Blue Book Amendment – Cashless Payment Facilities APX. n 4, item 25.
PDF 467 KB
Blue Book Amendment – Cashless Payment Facilities APX. n 5, item 25.
PDF 219 KB