Agenda item - Swift Boxes in New Development
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Agenda item
Swift Boxes in New Development
- Meeting of Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee, Thursday, 5th March, 2020 4.00pm (Item 57.)
- View the background to item 57.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture.
RESOLVED: That the Committee
1 Noted the introduction of a model planning condition and informative requiring the provision of bee bricks which have been attached to all planning permissions for new build developments from 1st November 2019.
2 Agreed to the introduction from 1st April 2020 of a model planning condition and informative (Appendix 1) requiring the provision of swift boxes (including swiftbricks)in planning permission granted for new development and an informal advice note, as set out in paragraphs 3.6 to 3.8 of the report (Appendix 2) and grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to make minor amendments to the note having consulted the members of the three Groups who sit on this committee in advance of implementation.
57.1 The Head of Planning gave a brief summary of the report which had been requested by Full Council in 2019. She highlighted the two main recommendations: 1. Noting that work had already been done with the assistance of the County Ecologist on Bee bricks and the differences between Swift Boxes and bricks. She confirmed that the officer recommendation was that this was agreed from 1st April 2020.
57.2 Councillor Ebel pointed out that swifts needed to eat insects and thus it was important to ensure there was wildlife around the Swiftbox.
57.3 The Chair confirmed that an Amendment had been received from the Conservative Group and asked Councillor Nemeth to move the amendment.
57.4 Councillor Nemeth brought in examples of swift bricks to show the Committee and said he was delighted to bring this to the Committee as he was concerned that Swift Bricks could be filled in, but Swift Boxes could not . He stated that the Amendment was a clarification on the terminology.
57.5 The Amendment was seconded by Councillor Mears.
57.6 The Chair took a vote and was agreed unanimously.
57.7 RESOLVED: That the Committee
1 Noted the introduction of a model planning condition and informative requiring the provision of bee bricks which have been attached to all planning permissions for new build developments from 1st November 2019.
2 Agreed to the introduction from 1st April 2020 of a model planning condition and informative (Appendix 1) requiring the provision of swift boxes (including swiftbricks)in planning permission granted for new development and an informal advice note, as set out in paragraphs 3.6 to 3.8 of the report (Appendix 2) and grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to make minor amendments to the note having consulted the members of the three Groups who sit on this committee in advance of implementation.
Supporting documents:
Swift Boxes in New Development, item 57.
PDF 218 KB View as HTML (57./1) 34 KB
Swift Boxes in New Development APX. n 1, item 57.
PDF 9 KB View as HTML (57./2) 17 KB
Swift Boxes in New Development APX. n 2, item 57.
PDF 22 KB View as HTML (57./3) 19 KB
Amendment Item 57 Bee Bricks Item - Nemeth Final, item 57.
PDF 38 KB View as HTML (57./4) 32 KB