Agenda item - Minutes of the Previous Meeting

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Agenda item

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2020 (copy attached)


2.1      It was noted that Councillor Atkinson, the Deputy Chair had been present at the meeting but had, had to leave midway through due to a family emergency.


2.2      Councillor Wares stated that he had expressed concern and indeed had continuing concerns because the fact that that the Police custody suite was located in Hollingbury gave a slewed picture which misleadingly inflated crime figures for that area. Potentially that could impact on the ability of residents to obtain insurance for example as it could imply that there was a high risk of crimes against the person in the area which was not in fact the case. Councillor Wares requested an addition be made to the minutes reflect that and the wording set out below be added to Paragraph 28.4


         Councillor Wares also raised concern that data provided by the police on violence against the person was misleading. Councillor Wares referred to maps that showed a green coloured area in Hollingbury that to the casual reader could be interpreted as a hot spot. Councillor Wares pointed out that in fact the area was located the police custody centre where offences were being recorded. Councillor wares was concerned this skewed public perception, adversely affected data use and could wrongly impact the cost of insurances in the area. Councillor Wares asked for future reports to properly reflect the data and make clear distinctions in the data. “


2.3      RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Licensing Committee (Licensing Act 2003 Functions) Meeting held on 12 March 2020 be agreed and signed as a correct record subject the amendment and addition set out above.

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