Agenda item - Adoption of Brighton & Hove Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule

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Agenda item

Adoption of Brighton & Hove Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule

Report of the Executive Director – Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached)


RESOLVED: That committee:


1.    Noted the receipt of the CIL Examination Inspector’s Final Report recommending approval for the Brighton & Hove CIL Charging Schedule is approved.

2.    Recommended that the CIL Charging Schedule was referred to Full Council for formal adoption.

3.    Recommended that the constitutional changes required to administer CIL and other developer contributions as set out in section 4 and Appendix 3 of this report be referred to Full Council for approval.


69.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture which sought to seek formal approval for the first Brighton & Hove Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), summarised the preparations process required for the CIL Charging Schedule and receive approval for the constitutional changes required to administer CIL and other developer contributions. The report was provided by the Assistant Director Culture, Tourism & Sport.


69.2    RESOLVED: That committee:


1.    Noted the receipt of the CIL Examination Inspector’s Final Report recommending approval for the Brighton & Hove CIL Charging Schedule is approved.

2.    Recommended that the CIL Charging Schedule was referred to Full Council for formal adoption.

3.    Recommended that the constitutional changes required to administer CIL and other developer contributions as set out in section 4 and Appendix 3 of this report be referred to Full Council for approval.

Supporting documents:


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