Agenda item - Chair's Communications
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Agenda item
Chair's Communications
20.1 The Chair, Councillor O’Quinn provided the following updates:
Electric Vehicle Taxi – Rapid Charging Hubs
20.2 The Chair explained that the latest monthly Electric Taxi Newsletter which had been circulated to the trade had included details about grants available and had highlighted the potential for 80% fuel bill savings as well as reduced maintenance costs.
20.3 Currently 200 lamp posts were being installed around the city, with this work to be completed by the end of March. The 4 proposed rapid charging hubs would be located at the race course, Preston Park Avenue, the Circus Street development and Victoria Road, Portslade, with each hub being capable of charging up to 6 vehicles. These rapid chargers would provide a full charge within 30 minutes and it was hoped that it would be possible to install them by the summer. Once the specific bays and works had been agreed nearby residents would be written to in order to advise them of those changes and to respond to any questions The on-street rapid charger bays would be advertised as for electric vehicle recharging only. Some bays at each hub would be made available for public use until such time as they were needed for electric taxis. The taxi trade was being kept updated via the taxi forum meetings and by production of a monthly newsletter. The Chair was pleased to be able to report that the council had licensed its second electric taxi the previous week.
20.4 The licensing authority had carried out an investigation into TFL’s decision not to renew Uber’s operator’s licence in London. Although additional information had not been received from TFL extensive questioning of Uber’s procedures and practices regarding this matter had been carried out and the licensing authority was satisfied that the appropriate checks were being carried out to ensure that no licensed drivers had been or were currently operating in Brighton and Hove. Uber had lodged an appeal against TFL’s decision and it was understood that the appeal would be heard in July 2020.
20.5 RESOLVED – That the content of the Chair’s Communications be received and noted.