Agenda item - Royal Pavilion and Museums - Extending the Transition into Trust

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Agenda item

Royal Pavilion and Museums - Extending the Transition into Trust

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.


(1)      That it be noted that the impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has resulted in the closure of the Royal Pavilion & Museums until further notice;


(2)      That the transition period for the Royal Pavilion & Museums to move into Trust from 1st April 2020 be extended to the 1st October 2020, a period of six months;


(3)      That in accordance with the decision of Policy & Resources Committee on 19th March 2020, it be noted that the decisions above will be given effect to by the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture; and


(4)      That it be noted that a further extension of the move to Trust to 1st April 2021 may be necessary if coronavirus (Covid-19) continues to constrain the visitor economy to the extent that cultural assets are unable to reopen by 1st October 2020.


2.1         The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture introduced the report which detailed the proposed extension of the transfer of the Royal Pavilion & Museums (RPM) to a Trust in view of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.  The actions taken to counter the spread of virus had resulted in the closure of the RPM on the 18thMarch for the foreseeable future and the Trust had requested the delay until the future situation was clearer.


2.2         The Committee noted the information and asked for clarification in regard to:


(i)     Funding made available by the Government

(ii)    Grant funding that may be available from the Arts Council;

(iii)   Whether consideration had been given for the use of Furlough for staff affected;

(iv)  Would the RPM be in a position to transfer on the 1st October; and

(v)   Whether a further report would be brought to committee should an additional extension to the transfer period be required.


2.3         The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture confirmed that where grant funding was made available an application to the Arts Council would be submitted. He stated that more information in relation to the application of Furlough was awaited, although it was not clear if it would be applicable to local authorities.  However, where staff had capacity it was intended that they could volunteer to work in other areas to help maintain essential services. If it appeared likely that a further extension until April 2021 was required a report would be brought to the Policy & Resources Committee in July and in the meantime,  updates could be taken to the Leaders Group.


2.4         The Acting Chief Finance Officer noted that whilst it appeared that Furlough could be used by public bodies, detailed guidance was awaited, although the indications given in the government guidance to date were that it was not intended that local authorities should make significant use of this.


2.5         The Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture confirmed that the RPM had been in a position to transfer to Trust status from the 1st April and wished to thank the staff and Trustees for reaching that position.  He was confident therefore that should it be possible, it would be ready to transfer on the 1st October 2020.


2.6         The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote which were carried unanimously and noted that they would be enacted by the Executive Director.


2.7         RESOLVED:


(1)      That it be noted that the impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has resulted in the closure of the Royal Pavilion & Museums until further notice;


(2)      That the transition period for the Royal Pavilion & Museums to move into Trust from 1st April 2020 be extended to the 1st October 2020, a period of six months;


(3)      That in accordance with the decision of Policy & Resources Committee on 19th March 2020, it be noted that the decisions above will be given effect to by the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture; and


(4)      That it be noted that a further extension of the move to Trust to 1st April 2021 may be necessary if coronavirus (Covid-19) continues to constrain the visitor economy to the extent that cultural assets are unable to reopen by 1st October 2020.

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