Agenda item - Brunswick Square & Terrace Repainting 2020

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Agenda item

Brunswick Square & Terrace Repainting 2020

Report of the Executive Director – Economy, Environment & Culture (Copy attached)


RESOLVED: That committee:


1.    Agreed that, due to restrictions being placed on labour, access to materials (all consequences of the current Covid-19 outbreak), and the requirement to undertake the works during clement periods of weather the timescale to complete the current repainting requirement is extended by 12 months to 31st December 2021.


2.    Agreed to defer the deadline for subsequent quinquennial repainting requirements specified under the Act to 31st December 2026, 31st December 2031 and so forth.


71.1    The committee considered a report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture which sought to defer the requirement for owners or occupiers to complete the repainting of their properties as required by the Hove Borough Council Act 1976 and to recommend that the quinnennial repainting cycle be realigned so that future cycles require completion by 31st December 2026, December 2031 and so on. The report was provided by the Service Development Manager.


71.2    The Service Development Manager noted the impact of Covid 19 and stated that works needed to be undertaken through spring and summer to ensure paint was robust and able to withstand weathering.        


71.3    Councillor Ebel enquired if there was possibility to reduce costs and for lease and freeholders to be included in the decision process.


71.4    The Chair stated that this would be entirely down to residents not the Council. It was noted that the cost of paint was the same for everybody thus providing an even playing ground from large contractors and small businesses.


71.5    The Service Development Manager stated that it was feasible for works to be undertaken this year and next year.


71.6    The Chair stated clarified that every property in Brunswick Terrace had been surveyed and subject to detailed analysis with regard to a series of factors such as the effect of wind angles.


71.7    RESOLVED: That committee:


1.    Agreed that, due to restrictions being placed on labour, access to materials (all consequences of the current Covid-19 outbreak), and the requirement to undertake the works during clement periods of weather the timescale to complete the current repainting requirement is extended by 12 months to 31st December 2021.


2.    Agreed to defer the deadline for subsequent quinquennial repainting requirements specified under the Act to 31st December 2026, 31st December 2031 and so forth.

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