Agenda item - Mayor's Communications.

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Agenda item

Mayor's Communications.

To receive communications from the Mayor.


82.1         The Mayor invited the Council to join her in a minute’s silence as a mark of respect for all those who had lost their lives during the current pandemic.


82.2         Following the minute’s silence the Mayor  stated that she was aware that it has become the norm to stop at 8.00pm to acknowledge the work of everyone at the NHS and working on the front-line. Should we reach this point in the meeting, I will ask that we stop for 5 minutes to join with everyone in the country and show our appreciation by clapping. We will do that live online, so make sure you have your microphone and webcam on.


82.3         I would also like to mention that to date, over fifty Covid-19 Community Champions nominations have been received in the Civic Office. People nominated include community association volunteers, grocers, NHS workers, pharmacists and teachers, to name a few. All nominations to should be sent to the Civic Office by the first of May.


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