Agenda item - Review of Political Balance 2020-21
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Agenda item
Review of Political Balance 2020-21
- Meeting of Annual, Council, Thursday, 14th May, 2020 4.30pm (Item 9.)
- View the background to item 9.
Report of the Chief Executive (to follow).
9.1 The Mayor stated that the next item concerned the allocation of seats between political Groups, the appointment of Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Opposition Spokespersons to the various Committees. It also detailed the proposed membership of the various Committees, Panels, Boards and Working Groups; as well as the appointments of representatives to outside bodies for 2020/21.
9.2 The Mayor stated that he would invite Councillor Platts to move the report of the Chief Executive and noted that there was also an amendment from the Conservative Group.
9.3 Councillor Platts moved the recommendations listed in the report and noted that the Policy & Resources Committee had established the Recovery Sub-Committee in order to consider the actions required to keep people safe and enable the city to recover from the pandemic.
9.4 Councillor Moonan formally seconded the motion.
9.5 Councillor Bell moved an amendment to the recommendations on behalf of the Conservative Group and stated that in so doing, he wished to record the Conservative Group’s support for the Recovery Sub-Committee.
9.6 Councillor Nemeth formally seconded the amendment and reserved his right to speak in the debate.
9.7 Councillors Clare, Wares, Brown, Littman, Miller, Mac Cafferty, Janio and Nemeth spoke in the debate on the proposed recommendations and the amendment.
9.8 Councillor Platts noted the comments and confirmed that she did not accept the amendment.
9.9 The Mayor noted that Councillor Janio had requested a ruling on the amendment and invited the Monitoring Officer to clarify the position.
9.10 The Monitoring Officer informed the Council that the Chief Executive was required under the Local Government & Housing Act 1989 to submit a report to the council detailing the allocations of seats to committees at the Annual meeting or as soon as possible following any changes to the seats held by Groups. He stated that in accordance with the principles of proportionality rules it was possible to set aside the requirement reflect the changes in the number of committee seats to be allocated, however should there be one objection raised the amendment would not be valid.
9.11 The Mayor noted that the amendment had not been accepted and therefore out it to the vote.
9.12 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were against the amendment and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment.
9.13 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were against the amendment and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting against the amendment.
9.14 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour on the amendment and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting for the amendment.
9.15 Councillor Fishleigh confirmed that she wished to abstain from voting on the amendment.
9.16 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting for the amendment.
9.17 The Mayor confirmed that the amendment had been lost.
9.18 The Mayor then put the recommendations as listed in the report to the vote.
9.19 Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group were in favour of the recommendations and the Labour Group confirmed that they were voting for the recommendations.
9.20 Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group were in favour of the recommendations and the Green Group confirmed that they were voting for the recommendations.
9.21 Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group were in favour on the recommendations and the Conservative Group confirmed that they were voting for the recommendations.
9.22 Councillor Fishleigh confirmed that she was voting for the recommendations.
9.23 Councillor Janio confirmed that he was voting for the recommendations.
9.24 The Mayor confirmed that the recommendations as listed in the report had been agreed.
(1) That the appointment/re-appointment of the committees with the sizes and allocation of seats between political groups as detailed in the report and in appendix 1 to the report be approved;
(2) That the allocation of seats as detailed in the report and appendix 2 to the report be approved;
(3) That having received nominations for the municipal year 2020/2021 to the following Committees from the 3 political groups as detailed in appendix 2 to the report, these Committees and Sub-Committees be constituted and appointed to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of the Council and the number of Members and allocation of seats to the Party Groups (apart from co-opted Members) as detailed in appendix 1 to the report and as specified below be agreed:
Policy & Resources Committee – Councillors Platts (Chair), Yates (Deputy Chair), Allcock, Bell, Clare, Druitt, Gibson, Mac Cafferty (OS), Miller and Moonan.
Children, Young People & Skills Committee – Councillors Allcock (Chair), Knight (Deputy Chair), Brown, Clare (OS), Hamilton, Hills, McNair, Nield, Simson and Wilkinson.
Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee – Councillors Pissaridou (Chair), Wilkinson (Deputy Chair), Brennan, Brown, Davis, Fowler, Heley, Lloyd, Wares and West (OS).
Housing Committee – Councillors Williams (Chair), Fowler (Deputy Chair), Atkinson, Barnett, Gibson (OS), Hugh-Jones, Knight, Mears, Osborne and Phillips.
Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee – Councillors Appich (Chair), Evans (Deputy Chair), Ebel (OS), Grimshaw, Mac Cafferty, Nemeth, O’Quinn, Powell, Rainey and Simson.
Policy & Resources (Recovery) Sub-Committee – Councillors Platts (Chair), Gibson, Mac Cafferty (OS), Miller and Yates.
Personnel Appeals Sub-Committee – (3 from a pool of Members with designated reps) Councillors Pissaridou, Littman and Wares.
Audit & Standards Committee – Councillors Littman (Chair), Bagaeen, Hamilton, Heley, Hill, Hugh-Jones, Knight and Peltzer Dunn.
Licensing & Licensing (2003) Committee – Councillors O’Quinn (Chair), Atkinson (Deputy Chair), Appich, Bagaeen, Davis, Deane (OS), Ebel, Fowler, Henry, Lewry, Osborne, Rainey, Simson, Wares and Williams.
Licensing 2003 Sub-Committee (3 from the parent committee with designated reps) – Councillors O’Quinn (Chair), Deane (OS) and Simson.
Planning Committee – Councillors Hill (Chair), Henry (Deputy Chair), Fishleigh, Janio, Littman (OS), Mac Cafferty, Miller, Shanks, Theobald and Yates.
Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee – Councillors Deane (Chair), Barnett, Brennan, Grimshaw, Hills, Lewry, McNair, Osborne, Powell and O’Quinn.
Health & Wellbeing Board – Councillors Moonan (Chair), Childs (Deputy Chair), Bagaeen, Nield and Shanks (OS).
Asset Management Board – Councillors Evans (Chair), Gibson, Hugh-Jones, Mears and Yates.
Black Rock Project Board – Councillors Childs (Chair), Druitt and Mears.
Corporate Parenting Board - Councillors Allcock (Chair), Brown, Hamilton, Hugh-Jones and Nield.
Housing Supply Members Board – Councillors Williams (Chair), Gibson and Mears.
i-360 Project Board – Councillors Appich (Chair), Druitt and Bell.
King Alfred Project Board – Councillors Moonan (Chair), Mac Cafferty and Nemeth.
Madeira Terraces Project Board – Councillors Evans (Chair), Rainey and Miller.
Prevent Board – Councillor O’Quinn.
Procurement Advisory Board – Councillors Evans (Chair), Druitt, Miller, Osborne (OS) and Pissaridou.
Royal Pavilion Trust Board – Councillors Robins, Mac Cafferty and Bell.
Safeguarding Board – Councillor Childs
Strategic Delivery Board – Councillors Platts (Chair), Allcock, Bell, Druitt and Mac Cafferty (OS).
Royal Pavilion Shadow Trust Board – Councillors Robins, Mac Cafferty and A. Norman.
Waterfront Project Board – Councillors Henry (Chair), Druitt and Miller.
Greater Brighton Economic Board – Councillors Platts and Mac Cafferty.
Great Brighton Economic Board Call-in Panel – Councillor Bell.
Orbis Joint Committee – Councillors Yates and Gibson.
(4) That in having regard to (3) above, those Members listed as Chair, Deputy Chair and Opposition Spokesperson (OS) of the respective Committees, Sub-Committees and Forums as detailed in appendix 2 to the report be agreed;
(5) That in having regard to (2) above, an Urgency Sub-Committee for each Committee be approved in accordance with Procedure Rule 22 (such committee being politically balanced but not included in the total number of seats for the purpose of allocating seats);
(6) That in having regard to (2) above, it be agreed that for the purpose of enabling meetings of the Personnel Appeals Panel (sub-committee) to be convened without disproportionate difficulty, the make-up of such panels need not be politically balanced although every effort would be taken to achieve it and that it also be agreed that:
(a) Although the Panel has the Members referred to in Appendix 2 as its standing Members, where any of the 3 Members is not available, any Member of the Council who has received appropriate training shall be eligible to sit on the Panel;
(b) The Head of Democratic Services be authorised to set up the Panel, as and when needed with the permanent Members or, where any of them is not available, by including any other eligible Member of the Council, having regard to the need, where possible, to secure cross party representation;
(c) The above arrangements and those set out in paragraph 2.5 of the report are intended to operate as “alternative arrangements” for the pursuant to section 17 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990; and
(7) That the appointment of representatives to various bodies listed in Appendix 3 of the report be agreed;
Name of Organisation |
Term of Office |
Appointments 2020/21 |
Appointments to Council Bodies |
1 |
Members Advisory Group on Grants (MAG) |
Annual |
Cllrs Hamilton, Littman, Simson |
2 |
Brighton & Hove Legacy fund |
Annual |
Cllrs O’Quinn, Littman, Lewry |
3 |
The Brighton Fund |
Annual |
Cllrs Robins (Mayor), Appich, Brennan, Lloyd, Barnett |
Appointments to Partnerships |
7 |
Arts & Creative Industries Commission |
Annual |
Cllrs O’Quinn, Rainey, Theobald |
9 |
Brighton & Hove Connected |
Annual |
Cllrs Platts, Mac Cafferty, Bell |
Appointments to Outside Bodies |
18 |
Brighton & Hove Music Trust |
Annual |
Cllrs Hill, Hugh-Jones, Miller |
23 |
East Sussex Pension Board |
Annual |
Cllr Appich |
27 |
Local Government Association |
Annual |
Cllrs Platts, Allcock, Mac Cafferty, Bell |
Supporting documents:
- Review of Political Balance 2020-21, item 9. PDF 247 KB View as HTML (9./1) 61 KB
- Review of Political Balance 2020-21 APX. n 1, item 9. PDF 154 KB View as HTML (9./2) 66 KB
- Review of Political Balance 2020-21 APX. n 2, item 9. PDF 411 KB View as HTML (9./3) 257 KB
- Review of Political Balance 2020-21 APX. n 3, item 9. PDF 289 KB View as HTML (9./4) 47 KB
- Item 09 ConGrp Amendment (01), item 9. PDF 107 KB View as HTML (9./5) 17 KB