Agenda item - Election of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2020/21

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Agenda item

Election of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2020/21

The Mayor will seek nominations for the new Mayor for the municipal year 2020/21.


It is proposed that Council elects Councillor Robins as Mayor for the municipal year 2020/21 and that he be re-elected in May 2021 as Mayor for the municipal year 2021/22 (serving a total of a 2 year term.)


4.1            The Mayor invited nominations for the position of Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the municipal year 2020/21. She also noted that  in view of the current situation with the coronavirus and its likely impact on the forthcoming mayoral year it was proposed that Councillor Robins would be put forward for re-election as Mayor at the Annual Council meeting in May 2021.


4.2            Council Alan Robins was proposed by Councillor Hamilton and seconded by Councillor Platts.


4.3            The Mayor declared that, there being no other nominations, she would ask the Group Leaders to confirm their support for the appointment of Councillor Robins as Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the forthcoming municipal year and to noted that he may be put forward for re-election as Mayor at the Annual Council meeting in May 2021.


4.4            Councillor Platts confirmed that the Labour Group supported the appointment of Councillor Robins as Mayor and the Labour reaffirmed their support by acclamation.


4.5            Councillor Mac Cafferty confirmed that the Green Group supported the appointment of Councillor Robins as Mayor and the Green Group reaffirmed their support by acclamation.


4.6            Councillor Bell confirmed that the Conservative Group supported the appointment of Councillor Robins as Mayor and the Conservative Group reaffirmed their support by acclamation.


4.7            Councillors Fishleigh and Janio confirmed their support for Councillor Robins as Mayor.


4.8            The Mayor declared that the motion had been agreed and that Councillor Alan Robins had been duly elected Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the forthcoming municipal year.


4.9            The Mayor then stated that there would be a short pause to enable arrangements to be made to allow Councillor Robins to take his declaration of Office.


4.10         The Mayor then called on Councillor Robins to take his declaration of Office.


4.11         Councillor Robins made and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Mayor of Brighton and Hove.


Councillor Robins in the Chair


4.12         The Mayor, Councillor Robins thanked the Council for his appointment and gave the following speech:


This is such a privilege - to be chosen to take on the highest civic office and represent the people of Brighton, Hove and Portslade.


I would like to thank Members for your trust and confidence in making me the Mayor of the City of Brighton & Hove. It’s a great honour for me to take up this role, so thank you. 

Special thanks to my long-standing fellow Ward Councillor, Les Hamilton for your kind words today.


I am pleased to say that my wife, Val has agreed to be my consort during this Mayoral year and as you are aware, we are well prepared, having had plenty of practice as Deputy during the last year.


Brighton & Hove and Portslade has a long and well-established history of being a city that is open to visitors and investors alike. I want to support that during the road to recovery after the coronavirus pandemic and the encourage the newly developed ways of working to continue. The Covid-19 virus is a challenge for everyone, and I am touched by the way that communities are working together in creative ways to keep everyone’s spirits up and look forward to meeting the current designated Champions at a reception in the autumn.


I have decided to support the following charities:

·         The Sussex Heart Charity

·         Brighton Fringe

·         Leo House at Home

·         Together Co


I look forward to working with them during the coming year and offering our support to their activities.


I have also asked the Inter-Faith Contact Group to act as my Chaplain this year. The Group exists as a resource for contact and dialogue between many faith communities and traditions in the Brighton and Hove area. They work together to build peaceful relations, and promote greater understanding between people of different faith, and none, and their communities in our City.


My first engagement on the 17 May is an Iftar meal to end the daily Ramadan fast, with the Dialogue Society via Zoom, so that will be a first.


I realise that this mayoral year starts in unconventional circumstances with the situation that we are all in. My aim is to do my uttermost to support the recovery process of the City. I imagine that this will be a step by step process and likely to take some time. Hopefully as we continue to abide by the guidance issued and to support each other, and I will be able to extend the support of the mayoralty to help to maintain the City’s morale and the tremendous reaction we have had to dealing the crisis we have before us.


Thank you all once again.


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