Agenda item - Parking Fees & Charges 20/21 Traffic Regulation Order

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Agenda item

Parking Fees & Charges 20/21 Traffic Regulation Order

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


That the Committee approves the following Traffic Regulation amendment Orders (as outlined in more detail in para 3.3);


1)      Brighton & Hove (Off-Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2019 Amendment No.* 202* (TRO-4a-2020)


2)      Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2018 Amendment Order No.* 202* (TRO-4b-2020)


3)      Brighton & Hove Outer Areas (Waiting, Loading and Parking) and Cycle Lanes Consolidation Order 2018 Amendment No.* 202* (TRO-4c-2020)


4)      Brighton & Hove Seafront (Various Restrictions) Consolidation Order 2018 Amendment No.* 202* (TRO-4d-2020)


5)      Brighton & Hove (Coldean & Moulsecoomb) (Event Days) Parking Order 2013 Amendment Order No* 202* (TRO-4e-2020)


10.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out written objections to the proposal to set a new charge of £50 for the annual resident visitor permit in event / matchday parking schemes.


10.2      Councillor Brown stated she did not agree with the increased fees and charges. Councillor Brown cited the large increases to park in the Laine’s and Regency Square and asked for the reasoning behind the increases.


10.3      The Head of Parking Services explained that the price increase related to a rise in demand and met the council’s objectives relating to traffic management and air quality.


10.4      Councillor Wares stated that his Group had been consistent in refusing  to accept large increases in parking charges, particularly those permit charges that would hurt those on the lowest of incomes in the city. Councillor Wares explained that his Group would be voting against the recommendations.


10.5      RESOLVED- That the Committee approves the following Traffic Regulation amendment Orders (as outlined in more detail in para 3.3);


1)      Brighton & Hove (Off-Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2019 Amendment No.* 202* (TRO-4a-2020)


2)      Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2018 Amendment Order No.* 202* (TRO-4b-2020)


3)      Brighton & Hove Outer Areas (Waiting, Loading and Parking) and Cycle Lanes Consolidation Order 2018 Amendment No.* 202* (TRO-4c-2020)


4)      Brighton & Hove Seafront (Various Restrictions) Consolidation Order 2018 Amendment No.* 202* (TRO-4d-2020)


5)      Brighton & Hove (Coldean & Moulsecoomb) (Event Days) Parking Order 2013 Amendment Order No* 202* (TRO-4e-2020)

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