Agenda item - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy 2020 – 2025: draft for consultation

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Agenda item

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy 2020 – 2025: draft for consultation

Report of the Interim Executive Director Families, Children & Learning (copy attached)




1.    That the draft SEND strategy and the planned consultation process be noted by Committee.


10.1    The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning which sought to provide a draft of the City’s new SEND Strategy. The report was provided by the Service Manager – Directorate Policy & Business Support, Vice Chair of PACC (Diana Boyd) and the Head of SEN Statutory Services.


10.2    A presentation was provided, the Service Manager – Directorate Policy & Business Support stated that early identification was important and that the timescale was very long. The importance of maintaining joint working across services.


10.3    The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities stated that an action plan had been developed by checking in with all stakeholders to make sure the strategy would meet the needs of SEND communities.


10.4    The Vice Chair of PACC stated that work was already being undertaken with PACC to identify parent representatives in this area.


10.5    The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities stated that a progress report would evidence program in action.


10.6    The Service Manager – Directorate Policy & Business Support stated that underneath each strategic action plan was a much more detailed amount of work focused on milestones and measures of success. Reference was made to the Developing Offend Sufficiency Program and Inclusion Action Plan which focused on further work in the city to capture the Faith and cultural needs of children in SEND.


10.7    The Head of SEN Statutory Services stated that involving young people in the strategy was key and that this was done by use of a graphic facilitation artist. Various tools were noted and it was concluded that 6 priorities were co-produced with everybody involved.


10.8    The Vice Chair of PACC reaffirmed PACC’s commitment to facilitating engagement with parents. It was stated that PACC were aware of the need for broader consultation and that they would be involved.


10.9    Councillor Clare enquired as to when the SEND Sufficiency  Plan would be produced and if this would impact the deliverability. Reference was made to the overview statistics in the City and enquiry was made as to what part of the strategy would address this. Clarification was sought as to when the Equalities Impact Assessment could be expected.


10.10  The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities stated that SEND sufficiency was a large undertaking. It was stated that a new system was to be created and that a PHD graduate had been secured to help create a data warehouse which incorporated large quantities of data of children with SEND.


10.11  The Service Manager – Directorate Policy & Business Support referred to the inclusion strategic plan and stated that the first 2 were large pieces of work, it was noted that the Education Partnership had chosen interaction with mainstream schools as their priority of the next 2 years.


10.12  Councillor Nield requested the CAMHS referral times. Clarification was sought as to the state of the ASC review.


10.13  The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities stated a request would be sent for CAMHS to provide a written response. It was further stated that the CCG and LA were to look at how to integrate the current pathway for children with ASC and ADHD with how to support families before and post pathway. It was noted that Brighton & Hove inclusion support service would be linking closely with the clinic and seaside view to ensure kids in school have help with regard to post diagnostic work.


10.14  Councillor Hills noted that 29% of EHC plans were given to girls and enquired if this was due to diagnosis. Further clarification was sought with regard to independent travel training.


10.15  The Assistant Director – Health SEN & Disabilities stated nationally, this was the picture and that a lot of research would need to be undertaken to understand this. It was stated that independent travel training was a lot harder in a post Covid world however PACC and Amaze were keen to look at this.


10.16  RESOLVED –


1.    That the draft SEND strategy and the planned consultation process be noted by Committee.

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