Agenda item - Schedule of Appeals

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Agenda item

Schedule of Appeals

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities (copy attached)


RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be noted.


8.1      The Committee considered a schedule prepared on behalf of the Executive lead of Strategy, Governance and Law covering the period since the last meeting of the Committee.


8.2      Councillor Ebel referred to the action taken in respect of the “Gin Tub” asking for further information, stating that the 10 day suspension which had ultimately been handed down to the premises did not appear proportionate to the severity of the offences which had occurred nor the level of concern expressed by the Panel. The Chair, Councillor O’Quinn explained that between the initial hearings and the final hearing notwithstanding that drug traces had been found throughout the premises the premises licence holder had effected significant remedial measures to the satisfaction of the Police. Councillor Deane who had also sat on that Panel concurred stating that the Panel had deliberated at length over the decision taken.


8.3      RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be noted.

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