Agenda item - Update to Food Planning Advice Note (PAN)
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Agenda item
Update to Food Planning Advice Note (PAN)
- Meeting of Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee, Thursday, 24th September, 2020 4.00pm (Item 25.)
- View the background to item 25.
Report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture.
1. The 2020 Update to the Planning Advice Note: Food Growing and Development, attached as Appendix 1, subject to the finalisation of any document design matters, including any additional images and visuals, by the Head of Planning and any minor editorial changes in consultation with the Chair of TECC Committee be adopted by Committee.
25.1 The Committee considered a report which sought the approval of the 2020 Update to the Food Growing and Development Planning Advice Note (PAN). The report was provided by the Planning Manager.
25.2 Councillor Simson referred to section 106 and enquired of the use of this on developments.
25.3 Councillor O’Quinn stated that it was important for people to be skilled to grow their own food. It was stated that this could really help increase community bonds.
25.4 RESOLVED that:
1. The 2020 Update to the Planning Advice Note: Food Growing and Development, attached as Appendix 1, subject to the finalisation of any document design matters, including any additional images and visuals, by the Head of Planning and any minor editorial changes in consultation with the Chair of TECC Committee be adopted by Committee.
Supporting documents:
Update to Food Planning Advice Note (PAN), item 25.
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Update to Food Planning Advice Note (PAN) APX. n 1, item 25.