Agenda item - Impact of Tree Diseases

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Agenda item

Impact of Tree Diseases

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:


1)             Note the initial projected cost of £3.4 million to deal with ash dieback (of which £0.352 million relates to ash trees on housing land) over the next 5 – 10 years.


2)             Recommend to Policy & Resources Committee the allocation of an initial tranche of £0.400 million funding during the 21/22 budget setting to start tackling Ash die-back.


3)             Notes the cost pressure of £0.300 million in 20/21 for dealing with elm disease which is being managed within budget by making in- year savings.


4)             Recommends that Policy & Resources allocate £0.200 million in the budget setting for 21/22 to deal with elm disease next year.


5)             Approves the approaches being taken to tackle these two diseases.


43.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that provided an update on Elm Disease and Ash die-back and sought approval for a number of mitigating actions.


43.2      In response to questions from Councillor Wilkinson, Councillor Brown and Councillor Lloyd, the Head of Operations- Cityparks explained that that Cityparks currently dealt with a number of cases of Elm Disease on private land free of charge and it was expected that would continue.  However, there was little that could be done about Ash die-back so there would only be an intervention if there was a direct threat to the highway. It was difficult to give a specific number of trees planted to replace the 5,000 lost since 2005 and the pandemic had significantly halted planting programmes however, there was significant financial and operational support from residents and businesses that was of help. Further, the Head of Operations- Cityparks explained that Elm Disease was spread by beetles that were most active in summer and it was estimated that 70% of Ash trees would die.


43.3      RESOLVED-


That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:


1)             Note the initial projected cost of £3.4 million to deal with ash dieback (of which £0.352 million relates to ash trees on housing land) over the next 5 – 10 years.


2)             Recommend to Policy & Resources Committee the allocation of an initial tranche of £0.400 million funding during the 21/22 budget setting to start tackling Ash die-back.


3)             Notes the cost pressure of £0.300 million in 20/21 for dealing with elm disease which is being managed within budget by making in- year savings.


4)             Recommends that Policy & Resources allocate £0.200 million in the budget setting for 21/22 to deal with elm disease next year.


5)             Approves the approaches being taken to tackle these two diseases.

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