Agenda item - Commissioning Strategy for Health and Adult Social Care Position Update

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Agenda item

Commissioning Strategy for Health and Adult Social Care Position Update

Report of the Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care (copy attached)


RESOLVED – (1)That the Board notes the contents of this draft Commissioning Strategy and the principles the Council currently applies in the commissioning, delivery and monitoring of adult social care, public health and supported accommodation services;


(2) That the Board notes intended direction of travel subject to agreement with key stakeholders, especially the Clinical Commissioning Group who, whilst represented on this Board, will require agreement from their governing body;


(3) That the Board formally asks for this report to be discussed at the Clinical Commissioning Group, Governing Body and authorised that this matter proceed as outlined in the report if agreed by that body; and


(4) That the Board requests that the Market Position Statement come to its scheduled meeting in September along with a progress update on the Commissioning Strategy and care group specific commissioning plans.


17.1    The Board considered a report of the Executive Director of Adult Health and Social Care providing a position update on the Commissioning Strategy for Health and Adult Social Care. It was noted that the impact of the past few months in dealing with the Covid 19 pandemic had both delayed the intended preparation of the supporting commissioning action plans and changed the potential commissioning landscape for future health and social care commissioning in the city.


17.2    The Executive Director, Rob Persey explained that in the light of system experiences of recent months there it had emerged that there were opportunities in some instances to commission health and social care services differently and that in consequence this draft commissioning strategy required review and re-drafting.


17.3    Councillor Childs welcomed the work that had been done and recognition that had emerged of the essential role of care workers, noting that the previous administration had been able to implement a Care Workers Charter which he hoped the new administration would continue to support.


17.4    The Chair, Councillor Shanks welcomed the report, which was essentially an interim update. The grant which had been made available to provide support to ensure that the role of those working in care homes was recognised and that they should be subject to statutory sick pay and terms and conditions which supported their important work were welcomed. Ashley Scarff of the CCG confirmed that partners had been working in concert to that end.


17.5    RESOLVED – (1) That the Board notes the contents of this draft Commissioning Strategy and the principles the Council currently applies in the commissioning, delivery and monitoring of adult social care, public health and supported accommodation services;


(2) That the Board notes intended direction of travel subject to agreement with key stakeholders, especially the Clinical Commissioning Group who, whilst represented on this Board, will require agreement from their governing body;


(3) That the Board formally asks for this report to be discussed at the Clinical Commissioning Group, Governing Body and authorised that this matter proceed as outlined in the report if agreed by that body; and


(4) That the Board requests that the Market Position Statement come to its scheduled meeting in September along with a progress update on the Commissioning Strategy and care group specific commissioning plans.

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