Agenda item - Formal Public Involvement
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Agenda item
Formal Public Involvement
This is the part of the meeting when members of the public can formally ask questions of the Board or present a petition. These need to be notified to the Board in advance of the meeting Contact the Secretary to the Board at
(a) Petitions - to consider any petitions received by noon on 2 September 2020;
(b) Written Questions – to consider any written questions received by noon on 2 September 2020;
(c) Deputations – to consider any Deputations received.
29a Petitions
29.1 There were none.
29b Written Questions
29.2 It was noted that two public questions had been received.
(1) Question from John Kapp –– Commissioning Strategy CCG
29.3 Mr Kapp put a question in the following terms:
“Does the board agree that 'first do no harm' should be the first principle of the commissioning strategy of the CCG, and that the HWB should hold them to account to uphold it?”
29.4 The Chair responded in the following terms:
“Brighton and Hove CCG takes its responsibility to commission safe and effective care for the city’s population extremely seriously. As a joint partner in the Brighton and Hove Health and Wellbeing Board, our collective Health and Wellbeing Strategy has eight guiding principles; one of these guiding principles is “Keeping people safe – we want everyone to be safe from avoidable hard, taking particular care of our most vulnerable residents” and as a CCG it is fully committed to this principle, as are all HWB partners. Similarly, the Brighton and Hove response to the NHS Long Term Plan reflects that the CCG will work collaboratively with all partners on key priorities including the delivery of safe, effective care, to prioritise prevention across the system and to ensure we reach groups and communities within our population who are less engaged to ensure we reduce health inequalities.
The Brighton and Hove Health and Wellbeing Board is a partnership board, and the CCG is an active and supportive member. The CCG values its place as part of the Board and are encouraged by the partnership working that has developed from discussions to date, and the plans we have for the future. In terms of accountability, the council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee has a scrutiny role in terms of the health in the city, and the CCG welcomes and supports their oversight on healthcare plans and services in place across the city. The CCG is also part of the National Health Service (NHS) and as such is regulated and held to account by NHS England.
29.5 Mr Kapp was invited to put a supplementary question. Mr Kapp stated that he was not in agreement that the role of the Council/Board was to work in partnership with the CCG considering that elected councillors should call the CCG to account especially in relation to use of alternative evidence based treatments. Mr Kapp referred to the document prepared by the National Association of Social Prescribing which had been published for a year asking what steps the Board would be taking to implement the recommendations set out in that report.
29.6 The Chair, Councillor Shanks responded that the role of the Board was one of partnership and collaboration. Social Prescribing was an issue which the Board would be happy to look at properly in future once the current Covid emergency had passed.
(2) Question from Valerie Mainstone – Self Isolation Arrangements
29.7 The following question was put on Ms Mainstone’s behalf in her absence:
"The HWB will be well aware of the vast amount of money that has been wasted by the central government on private firms to carry out the Test-Trace-and-Treat programme, and the frustrations experienced by local Public Health Departments, such as our own, whose expertise lies in this area of work.
"Unfortunately we know that some people ordered to self- isolate cannot do so for financial reasons. Is there any follow-up to indicate who does, and who does not self-isolate when ordered to do so, and is there any local system in place to support people in self- isolation?"
29.8 The Chair responded in the following terms:
“We recognise the importance of test and trace and of support for people to self isolate in helping to break the chain of transmission.
The Test and Trace system does not routinely follow up to indicate who does, and who does not, self-isolate when ordered to do so.
However locally, the Brighton & Hove Community Hub service is in place to provide help and support for residents while they are self isolating. The hub can help people to access:
· food and medicine
· befriending and learning packages to reduce feelings of loneliness
· financial advice
· other forms of support
In addition, residents are entitled to the national Self-Isolation Payments of £500 if they:
1. have been told to stay at home and self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace, either because theu have tested positive for coronavirus or have recently been in close contact with someone who has tested positive
2. are employed or self-employed
3. are unable to work from home and will lose income as a result
4. are currently receiving or have applied for certain benefits
They do need to meet all of the criteria above to qualify for a Self-Isolation Payment.
If the resident is not in receipt of any of the specified benefits, the council may be able to make a discretionary payment of £500 to those who will face financial hardship as a result of not being able to work while self-isolating.
Details of the support available are on our website at ”
29.9 RESOLVED – That the questions and the responses given to them be received and noted.
29c Deputations
29.10 There were none.
Supporting documents:
- Stand Alone Public Questions, item 29. PDF 169 KB View as HTML (29./1) 11 KB
- Stand Alone Members Questions, item 29. PDF 264 KB View as HTML (29./2) 10 KB