Agenda item - To agree those applications to be the subject of site visits

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Agenda item

To agree those applications to be the subject of site visits

Please note that in recognition of the current Covid 19 pandemic and in response to Central Government Guidance alternative arrangements have been put into place to ensure that Committee Members are able to familiarise themselves with application sites.


122.1    It was noted  that in recognition of the current Covid 19 pandemic and in response to Central Government Guidance alternative arrangements had been put into place to ensure that Committee Members are able to familiarise themselves with the application sites; this included enhanced presentations provided by officers and placed on the council website.


122.2    The comments made by the Chair in relation to easing of current Covid restrictions in respect of site visit arrangements which would be re-introduced incrementally, was noted. It was also noted that some Members had visited sites independently and that if requested socially distanced or in one instance a virtual site visit had taken place. Enhanced visuals continued to be provided in order to assist Members in their decision making.


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