Agenda item - Sussex Health & Care Partnership Winter Plan 2020-21: Update

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Agenda item

Sussex Health & Care Partnership Winter Plan 2020-21: Update

Report of Director of Resilience Sussex CCG’s (copy attached)


RESOLVED – That the Brighton and Hove Health and Wellbeing Board note the Sussex Health and Care Partnership Winter Plan 2020-21 Update.


25.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Resilience, Sussex CCG’s. The purpose of this paper was to provide Brighton and Hove Health and Wellbeing Board with an update on progress to date in relation to winter planning, outline next steps and timelines.


25.2    It was explained that the overall purpose of the winter plan was to ensure that the system was able to effectively manage the capacity and demand pressures anticipated during the Winter period. The Winter planning period covered the period September 2020 to 31st March 2021. The plan needed to ensure that the local systems remained resilient and were able to manage demand surge effectively, maintain patient safety and support delivery of the relevant business plan objectives and locally agreed system improvements during this period. For 2020/21, the planning process had also considered the impact and learning from the current Covid-19 outbreak as well as planning for further possible outbreaks.


          Core to the development of plans for 2020/21 had been:


  • Building upon learning from winter 2019/20
  • Developing capacity and demand modelling which takes into account expected A&E activity, impact of the covid-19 pandemic (numbers of incidents as well as impact of national requirements)
  • Reviewing system surge plans and escalation triggers


This year’s winter plan had been developed through place based engagement with commissioners and providers through the Local A&E Delivery Board and working groups.


25.3    Members referred to concerns which had been raised with them regarding difficulties that had been experienced in accessing the health information line and David Liley, Healthwatch, referred to the work that had been undertaken in liaison with the NHS  and Lola Bajoko, CCG, referred to the evidence based approach and the timelines and implementation arrangements which had been put into place.


25.4    Members enquired regarding the discharge arrangements which were being put into place and it was confirmed that there was capacity within the system and that care packages were in place. This had been looked at and robust measures were in place and had sought to factor in the challenges of Covid 19 in addition to usual seasonal challenges which providers were familiar with. Also, contingency arrangements which could be put into place.


25.5    The Executive Director, Adult Social Care referred to the involvement of care homes/ providers and the support and advice available to them. This would dovetail with the council’s own arrangements, a report on which would be coming forward to the next scheduled meeting of the Board.


25.6    RESOLVED – That the Brighton and Hove Health and Wellbeing Board note the Sussex Health and Care Partnership Winter Plan 2020-21 Update.

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