Agenda item - Progress Report on Home to School Transport Service

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Agenda item

Progress Report on Home to School Transport Service

Report of the Executive Director Families Children & Learning (copy attached)


RESOLVED: That the Committee –


(i)             Noted this report on the Home to School Transport Service;


(ii)            Agreed that a further report comes to a meeting of the CYPS Committee in the Spring of 2021, which will include progress on the implementation of agreed recommendations from the November 2020 report of the HTST Members’ Policy Panel.



42.1    This item was considered with Item 41.


42.2    RESOLVED: That the Committee –


(i)             Noted this report on the Home to School Transport Service;


(ii)            Agreed that a further report comes to a meeting of the CYPS Committee in the Spring of 2021, which will include progress on the implementation of agreed recommendations from the November 2020 report of the HTST Members’ Policy Panel.


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