Agenda item - Presentation -Covid Recovery Plan Strategy and Update on Outbreak Control Plan
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Agenda item
Presentation -Covid Recovery Plan Strategy and Update on Outbreak Control Plan
This will be a joint inter-department presentation which will provide further updates to the information provided to previous meetings and additional information as appropriate.
31.1 The Director of Public Health, Alistair Hill, gave a presentation detailing the arrangements being put into place going forward both to seek to continue to contain the number of cases across the city and importantly to foster and sustain recovery and to build resilience in the event of any future spikes in infection rates. Although the mortality rate in the city remained relatively low compared to other parts of the country all partners were continuing to work to ensure that there was sufficient to respond effectively to any changes which took place. Details of infection levels and mortality rates week by week were shown. The slides accompanying this presentation were displayed at the meeting and would also be attached to the agenda and council website. Data provided related to the period up to 9 November.
31.2 It was explained that the results of contact tracing to date had indicated that that the greatest individual exposure was within households closely followed by mixing between households and related to the pre-lockdown period. Whilst data relating to settings was useful in helping to inform prevention but did not necessarily mean that transmission had occurred in those settings. There had been more cases in staff who worked in, hospitality, retail and other workplaces in the city and contact had been made to support these employers.
31.3 A summary was provided in respect of health and care settings and in relation to the ratio of service users to staff testing positive. The challenge was in finding the balance between enabling visits and protecting residents and staff. Whilst in recent weeks there had been fewer cases across the city it was too early to conclude that this represented a sustained downward trend as that decline was almost entirely attributable to fewer cases in young adults, explainable in part to fewer cases in students. Currently, the case rate was stable in working age and older adults, with cases associated with a wide range f settings and places with older people having being at higher risk of complications and hospital admissions. Therefore, the impact on the health and care system was significant. Lockdown presented an opportunity to drive down the R rate and to reduce and prevent pressure on health services and to maintain manageable infection levels.
31.4 Councillor Bagaeen welcomed the update given and sought further clarification in relation to current infection rates, also in relation to the turn around for tests. It was confirmed that a variety of means were being used and these were being assessed on a daily basis to see how these could be used to best meet the needs and priorities that had been set. In answer to further questions it was explained that once admitted to hospital the length of stay was variable and that where there was a longer period prior to discharge that was challenging.
31.5 Councillor Moonan requested details regarding the numbers of those currently admitted to hospital who were in intensive care, the number who were on ventilators and confirmation that there was sufficient capacity currently. It was confirmed that notwithstanding the pressures which were anticipated due to seasonal surges in hospital admissions the situation would be challenging but could be met. There was sufficient ventilator capacity. New guidance had been issued that day in relation to the provision of isolation beds and in relation to the provision and release of Quality Care Commission beds. Arrangements were being put into place but it was difficult currently to identify what the exact level of demand would be.
31.6 In answer to questions of Councillor Childs regarding contingency arrangements should the current situation take a turn for the worse, Lola Banjoko of the CCG confirmed that capacity planning and contingency arrangements were in place including use of the Nightingale Hospitals as/if necessary.
31.7 RESOLVED – That the contents of the presentation be noted and received.
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