Agenda item - Sussex Health and Care Partnership (SHCP) Winter Plan

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Agenda item

Sussex Health and Care Partnership (SHCP) Winter Plan


RESOLVED – That the Board notes the contents of the Sussex Health and Care Partnership Winter Plan 2020-21 update.


33.1    The Board considered a report of the CCG, providing an update on the Sussex Health and Care Partnership Winter Plan 2020-21.


33.2    The Head of Resilience, Sussex CCG’s, Isabella Davis-Fernandez, presented the report and Board Members noted that a high level summary paper had been presented to the 8 September meeting of the Board. The purpose of this paper was to provide an update on that paper and to detail progress made and to reference further detail relating to specific elements of the Winter Plan which had been submitted to NHS England on 1 October 2020. The key elements covered by the Plan were highlighted in the Executive Summary to the report. The Plan which had been developed by the Brighton and Hove Local A & E Delivery Board (LAEDB) which included representation from all local system health and social care providers and commissioners. This group had been instrumental in developing the key elements of the Winter Plan which included setting out key risks and mitigations for winter in each system, capacity and demand modelling, mitigations to address identified gaps, learning from winter 2019-20, escalation triggers, Covid 19 early warning triggers, local outbreak plans and use of the Single Health resilience Early warning Database (SHREWD) and the winter operating model for the winter period.


33.3    Board Members welcomed this update, noting the arrangements put into place and the manner in which they would dovetail with the council’s own.


33.4    RESOLVED – That the Board notes the contents of the Sussex Health and Care Partnership Winter Plan 2020-21 update.

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