Agenda item - Covid 19 Update, Taxis Licensing and Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Driver Enforcement and Monitoring

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Agenda item

Covid 19 Update, Taxis Licensing and Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Driver Enforcement and Monitoring

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities (copy attached)


RESOLVED – That Members note the contents of the report and that officers should continue to take action as appropriate.


15.1    The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities the purpose of which was to update Members on enforcement action taken against Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers and Applicants between June and November 2020.


15.2    It was explained that Officers were deeply conscious that the taxi trade had been impacted by the current pandemic and the subsequent restrictions which had been put into place. It was appreciated that this had been a very difficult time for licence holders. The Taxi Licensing Team had kept in contact with and checked in with the trade whenever possible, with a virtual taxi forum meeting having taken place in September.


15.3    It was noted that the following proposed amendment had been received on behalf of the Conservative Group proposed by Councillor Simson and seconded by Councillor Wares.


         To add recommendation 2.2 as shown below in bold italics.



2.1. That Members note the contents of this report and that officers should continue to take action as appropriate.


          2.2. Committee agrees with the proposal as set out in paragraph 3.7 to defer an unmet demand survey and further agrees to suspend the issuing of any further Hackney Carriage plates until an unmet demand survey is completed and the results with recommendations are brought to a future Committee for consideration.”


15.4    Councillors Simson and Wares were invited to speak in support of their amendment. Councillor Simson stated that the current situation as set out in the report appeared to be confusing and required clarification. In consequence of the two successive lock-down periods the trade was struggling and needed support. Councillor Wares concurred in that view stating that the current waiting list for drivers and number of licences provided could place further pressure on the trade at this time and that the letting out of any further licences until such time as post – covid it was possible to carry out an unmet demand survey. Currently notwithstanding the provision of WAV’s within the fleet it was understood that customers still experienced difficulties in accessing vehicles which were appropriate to their needs. To delay matters in this manner would support the trade, also, it was important that any decision in relation to future provision should be made by Committee.


15.4    Councillor O’Quinn sought clarification regarding arrangements for filling the 5 places currently permitted and the arrangements for these to be provided and how places were allocated to those on the waiting list


15.5    Councillor Bagaeen sought clarification of the process by which the unmet demand survey had been stalled. He was firmly in agreement with the views of his colleagues, Councillors Simson and Wares that this should have been a Committee decision. Councillor Wares was also of the view that by highlighting this in the manner proposed it would show support for the trade, views of the trade and consultation with it also needed to take place.


15.6    The Chair, Councillor Deane, explained that it had been agreed to hold the unmet demand survey due to the pandemic and in recognition that the matter needed to be facilitated between Committee meetings. There was no intention that further future decisions would be made by the Committee and nothing would be implemented without consultation with trade representatives. It was noted that a virtual Taxi Forum meeting had taken place in September and that others were planned.


15.7    Whilst noting the rationale for the proposed amendment the consensus of the meeting was that further reports should come before the Committee once Covid had eased and that the status quo should remain in place pro-tem.


15.8    A vote was taken and the 13 Members present voted by 10 to 3 against the proposed amendment which was lost. The recommendation as set out in the report was then voted on and accepted.


15.9    RESOLVED – That Members note the contents of the report and that officers should continue to take action as appropriate.

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