Agenda item - Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly

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Agenda item

Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:


1)             Welcomes the final report of the Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly (Findings Report attached in Appendix 1) and the interim report of the Youth Climate Assembly (attached in Appendix 2);


2)             Notes the findings of the Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly, including the assembly’s 10 key recommendations that are set out on p4 of the Climate Assembly report at Appendix 1, and notes the interim findings of the Youth Climate Assembly at Appendix 2;


3)             Notes the initial response of the city council as set out in Appendix 3;


4)             Requests that officers consider the findings of the Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly and the Youth Climate Assembly when developing the fifth Local Transport Plan, the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and further developing current transport initiatives such as the Liveable City Centre and Ultra Low Emission Zone schemes.


66.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out the final report on the Brighton and Hove Climate Assembly and the interim report of the Youth Climate Assembly and requested approval that officers consider the findings in the development of the Carbon Neutral Plan, Local Transport Plan 5 (LTP5) and the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).


66.2      In response to questions from Councillor Appich, it was explained that a communications strategy would be devised by the cross-party working group and there were plans to recruit a communications and engagement officer. Plans for local schemes could be taken to the cross-party working group to consider and the recommendations would be implemented through policy development and transport schemes such as the LTP and LCWIP that would be reported through this committee.


66.3      In response to Councillor Wares, the Chair stated that all recommendations made would be considered by the Administration and that included viability of a Park & Ride scheme. It was further clarified that developing a matrix of relationship relating to all ten recommendations would be very challenging until the recommendations were considered in depth and scoped and the process for feedback to the Climate Assembly was something that could be taken back to the cross-party working group.


66.4      Committee members expressed endorsement and support for the recommendations and praised the high standard of report from the Climate Assembly and Youth Assembly members and expressed their thanks to all of those that took part. Committee Members detailed the importance of addressing climate change and that the report represented a step change in efforts to do so and must be acted upon in an inclusive manner.


66.5      RESOLVED- That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:


1)             Welcomes the final report of the Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly (Findings Report attached in Appendix 1) and the interim report of the Youth Climate Assembly (attached in Appendix 2);


2)             Notes the findings of the Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly, including the assembly’s 10 key recommendations that are set out on p4 of the Climate Assembly report at Appendix 1, and notes the interim findings of the Youth Climate Assembly at Appendix 2;


3)             Notes the initial response of the city council as set out in Appendix 3;


4)             Requests that officers consider the findings of the Brighton & Hove Climate Assembly and the Youth Climate Assembly when developing the fifth Local Transport Plan, the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and further developing current transport initiatives such as the Liveable City Centre and Ultra Low Emission Zone schemes.

Supporting documents:


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