Agenda item - BH2020/02655 - Basement Flat, 5 D'Aubigny Road - Full Planning
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Agenda item
BH2020/02655 - Basement Flat, 5 D'Aubigny Road - Full Planning
Ward Affected: St Peters and North Laine
1. It was noted that an in-depth presentation had been provided by officers in advance of the meeting and was included on the council website detailing the scheme by reference to site plans, elevational drawings and photographs which also showed the proposed scheme in the context of neighbouring development.
2. The Members were updated by the Planning Manager that one additional objection letter had been received and that the application was part retrospective as construction had started.
Questions for officers
3. Councillor Fishleigh was informed that the outbuilding was approximately 8sq metres and 35 metres from the house.
4. Councillor Shanks was informed that the property was subdivided, and the application came from the basement flat.
5. Councillor Theobald was informed that the beech tree nearest to the outbuilding was by condition to be retained and replaced if it died within 5 years of the granting of permission.
6. Councillor Yates supported the application as it was considered reasonable and not detrimental to the conservation area.
7. Councillor Shanks considered the development to be an asset to the garden and supported the application.
8. Councillor Osborne was happy with the application and considered the retention of the tree to be good. The outbuilding was not considered to be intrusive on the neighbours and the councillor supported the application.
9. Councillor Childs considered the development to be modest and supported the application.
10. Councillor Fishleigh was not sure if the garden was subdivided and wondered of the outbuilding could be placed elsewhere.
11. Following the end of the debate the Chair invited the committee to vote: Out of the 8 Members present the vote was 7, with 1 abstention, to grant planning permission. (Councillor Henry was not in attendance for the discussions or vote).
12. RESOLVED: That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the officers report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives in the report.
Supporting documents:
Header BH2020 02655 - Basement 5 DAubigny Road, item 82D
PDF 98 KB View as HTML (82D/1) 3 KB
Plan BH2020 02655 - Basement 5 DAubigny Road, item 82D
PDF 394 KB
Report BH2020 02655 - Basement 5 DAubigny Road, item 82D
PDF 54 KB View as HTML (82D/3) 47 KB
MI BH2020 02655 - Basement 5 DAubigny Road, item 82D