Agenda item - Playground Refurbishment Programme 2021-2025
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Agenda item
Playground Refurbishment Programme 2021-2025
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 19th January, 2021 4.00pm (Item 72.)
- View the background to item 72.
Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture
That Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee:
1) Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that it approve the playground refurbishment programme set out in appendix 1.
2) Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that it approves borrowing of up to £0.539m to contribute to the refurbishment of playgrounds.
3) Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that it delegates authority to the Executive Director of Economy Environment and Culture to procure and award contracts for up to £3m for playground refurbishment over a period of up to 4 years.
4) Recommends to Policy & Resources that the refurbishment programme is informed by consultation with disability groups in order to improve disability access to local playgrounds.
72.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out a new strategy for playground refurbishment and also seeks approval in relation to the funding and procurement of the programme.
72.2 In response to a question from Councillor Wares, the Park Projects & Strategy Manager confirmed that should funding identified in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) be approved, discussions could commence on a joint approach for playground refurbishment where sites were located on both HRA and public land.
72.3 Councillor Wilkinson moved a motion on behalf of the Labour Group to amend the recommendations as shown in bold italics below:
That Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee:
2.1 Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that it approve the playground refurbishment programme set out in appendix 1.
2.2 Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that it approves borrowing of up to £0.539m to contribute to the refurbishment of playgrounds.
2.3 Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that it delegates authority to the Executive Director of Economy Environment and Culture to procure and award contracts for up to £3m for playground refurbishment over a period of up to 4 years.
2.4 Recommends to Policy & Resources that the refurbishment programme is informed by consultation with disability groups in order to improve disability access to local playgrounds.
72.4 Introducing the motion, Councillor Wilkinson stated that the purpose of the motion was explicitly confirm that consultation with disability groups and stakeholders would take place in relation to any refurbishments.
72.5 Councillor Williams formally seconded the motion.
72.6 Committee members collectively welcomed the report and commended the innovative approach taken to obtain funding for refurbishment.
72.7 The Chair then put the Labour Group motion to the vote that passed.
72.8 The Chair then put the recommendations as amended to the vote that was agreed.
72.9 RESOLVED- That Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee:
1) Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that it approve the playground refurbishment programme set out in appendix 1.
2) Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that it approves borrowing of up to £0.539m to contribute to the refurbishment of playgrounds.
3) Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that it delegates authority to the Executive Director of Economy Environment and Culture to procure and award contracts for up to £3m for playground refurbishment over a period of up to 4 years.
4) Recommends to Policy & Resources that the refurbishment programme is informed by consultation with disability groups in order to improve disability access to local playgrounds.
Supporting documents:
- Playground Refurbishment Programme, item 72. PDF 438 KB View as HTML (72./1) 47 KB
- Playground Refurbishment Programme APX. n 1_v1, item 72. PDF 91 KB
- Item 72- LabGrp Playgrounds, item 72. PDF 163 KB View as HTML (72./3) 11 KB