Agenda item - Compensation Payment for Early Years Providers - record of urgent decision

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Agenda item

Compensation Payment for Early Years Providers - record of urgent decision

Report of the Executive Director Families Children & Learning (copy attached)


RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the use of officer urgency powers by the Interim Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning to agree the recommendations for funding compensation payments for early years providers:


a.    Providers of EYFE for two-year olds to be compensated at 100% of the difference between autumn 2020 hours, and an average of their total hours from autumn 2017, 2018 and 2019;

b.     Private, voluntary and independent providers of EYFE for three and four year olds to be compensated at 60% of the difference between autumn 2020 and autumn 2019 hours and maintained providers (schools) to be funded at 100%;

c.     The small number of childminders who may be eligible to apply for compensation will be considered individually.


66.1    The recommndation in the report was agreed without discussion.


66.2    RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the use of officer urgency powers by the Interim Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning to agree the recommendations for funding compensation payments for early years providers:


a.    Providers of EYFE for two-year olds to be compensated at 100% of the difference between autumn 2020 hours, and an average of their total hours from autumn 2017, 2018 and 2019;

b.     Private, voluntary and independent providers of EYFE for three and four year olds to be compensated at 60% of the difference between autumn 2020 and autumn 2019 hours and maintained providers (schools) to be funded at 100%;

c.     The small number of childminders who may be eligible to apply for compensation will be considered individually.

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