Agenda item - Brexit Resilience & Planning
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Agenda item
Brexit Resilience & Planning
Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 3 December 2020 (to follow), together with a report of the Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law.
74.1 Councillor Clare noted that the report had been discussed extensively at P&R but that it was felt that it should be brought to Council for all Members’ attention.
74.2 Councillor Yates referred to pages 229 onwards and stated that the nature and scope of the challenge facing the council and the city was clearly outlined. There was on-going uncertainty and he noted that currently the council had identified 34 amber risks which had to be a concern for all Members.
74.3 Councillor Ebel noted that the transition period was due to come to an end and there would then still be a real challenge for everyone to face and a need to support everyone where possible. The Brexit Working Group was meeting regularly to oversee preparations and the tremendous level of work required in getting communications out. She wished to thank all the officers involved in the work and especially Dee Humphries.
74.4 The Mayor stated that the report had been referred for information and therefore moved that it be noted.
74.5 RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Brexit Resilience & Planning, item 74. PDF 358 KB View as HTML (74./1) 155 KB
- Brexit Resilience & Planning APX. n 1, item 74. PDF 635 KB View as HTML (74./2) 367 KB
- Item 74 Brexit Reslience & Planning - P&R Extract 03.12.20, item 74. PDF 275 KB View as HTML (74./3) 27 KB