Agenda item - Covid-19 Recovery & Renewal Programme Update

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Agenda item

Covid-19 Recovery & Renewal Programme Update

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 3 December 2020 (to follow), together with a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.


73.1      Councillor Platts stated that the report had been referred to the Council as she had been disappointed to find that the Recovery Sub-Committee meeting scheduled for November had been cancelled. She had hoped to be able to discuss the recovery process in relation to the pandemic given the number of people facing difficulties in city and the need for a sustainable solution. She hoped that all councillors would be consulted and involved in the recovery programme.


73.2      Councillor Bagaeen stated that he fully agreed and felt that detail was currently missing, and businesses needed clarity and help if the local economy was to recovery. He hoped that further information would be forthcoming.


73.3      Councillor Shanks stated that it was a difficult situation being faced by everyone and officers were working hard to ensure that action could be taken, and information provided. There was a need to support them at this time and she was certain that more information would be brought to both the Recovery Sub-Committee and Policy & Resources Committee.


73.4      The Mayor stated that the report had been referred for information and therefore moved that it be noted.


73.5      RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

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