Agenda item - Presentation, Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
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Agenda item
Presentation, Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Joint presentation, Joint Health and Welfare Strategy
Presentation by Director of Public Health on Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
42.1 The Executive Director Health and Adult Social Care Wellbeing, Rob Persey gave a presentation reminding Members of the content of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy setting out the vision for improving health inequalities for the health and wellbeing of those living in the city by reducing health inequalities to enable everyone to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life One of its main aims was to close the gap in healthy life expectancy between people living in the most and least disadvantaged areas of the city. It was noted that the presentation had been uploaded to the council website and was included with the on-line agenda pack.
42.2 The Director, outlined the 4 Wells, Starting Well, Well, Ageing Well and Dying Well and the principles encompassed within them. Starting Well focused on early years, promoting healthy lifestyles and building in resilience and a basis for good emotional health and wellbeing including early support to prevent problems from escalating.
42.3 The Living Well Strategy focused on how the wellbeing and mental health of working age adults could be improved by promoting eating well, moving more, drinking less, stopping smoking, better sexual health, workplace and support into work for disabled people or those with long term health conditions and the long term unemployed.
42.4 The third well focused on supporting people in ageing well. The contribution of people of all ages would be nurtured and celebrated. The aim was to be both age and dementia friendly. This was to be fostered by design of the physical environment and in planning housing developments, reducing loneliness and social isolation, reducing the risk of falls and helping people to live independently by accessing services which connected them with their communities.
42.5 The final well related to dying well by adopting a citywide approach to improving health and wellbeing to the end of life and in helping communities to develop their own approaches to death, dying, loss and caring I order to help more people to die at home or in a place of their choosing. This also encompassed support for families, carers and the bereaved was to be enhanced.
42.6 RESOLVED – That the contents of the presentation be noted and received
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