Agenda item - Chair's Communications

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Agenda item

Chair's Communications


          Statement of Licensing Policy and Review of Gambling Policy


24.1    The Chair, Councillor Deane explained that the revised Statement of Licensing Policy (SoLP) as agreed by the Committee at their meeting on 26 November 2020 had now been published and was available to view on the council website. It was also noted that the council’s current Gambling Policy was due for review this year and that a report would come forward to a future meeting of the Committee.


24.2     RESOLVED – That the contents of the Chair’s Communications be noted and received.


            Vote of Thanks – Councillor Wares


24.3     The Chair, Councillor Deane wished to place on record her thanks and those of the Committee to Councillor Wares for his valuable contribution to the work of the Committee during his period as a Councillor. Councillor O’Quinn the previous Chair concurred with all that had been said as did the other Members of Committee. The Committee were unanimous in sending Councillor Wares all best wishes for the future.


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