Agenda item - Responding to the Child Safeguarding Review Panel "Out of Routine" Report on Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy

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Agenda item

Responding to the Child Safeguarding Review Panel "Out of Routine" Report on Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy

Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached)


          RESOLVED – (1) That the Board note the contents of the report; and


          (2) That the Board agrees that the “Infant crying is normal, comforting methods can help, it’s ok to walk away, never ever shake a baby    (ICON) message for all frontline practitioners working with parents,          carers and families should be “Everybody’s Business.”


56.1    The Board considered a report of the  Director of Public Health which detailed the national report and local response to sudden unexpected death in infants.


56.2    It was explained that there was a strong body of evidence around the importance of addressing the factors which could contribute to sudden unexpected death in infants. This paper outlined a Sussex-wide response which encompassed a universal offer and targeted work with vulnerable families. The paper also outlined the work undertaken to date across Sussex on the ICON programme which focused on infant crying and coping strategies for parents and carers. Dr Jamie Carter Designated Doctor for Safeguarding Children for Brighton and Hovewas in attendance and delivered a presentation to the Board detailing aspects of this paper.


56.3    Dr Carter explained that some babies were more at risk than others, male babies, babies under six months old and babies born pre-term or at a low birth weight and babies who had more contact with health services. The message of ICON was that infant crying was normal, a normal part of development, that babies were not doing this on purpose, that all parents could become stressed and to support parents in coping with their own emotions and stress. Parents were sent a strong message that you should never shake a baby and supported in developing strategies such as a crying plan which would include soothing and safe sleep techniques. Parents were encouraged to share ICON with anyone who cared for their baby.


56.4    Board Members thanked Dr Carter for his informative presentation.


56.5    RESOLVED – (1) That the Board notes the content of the report; and


          (2) That the Board agrees this is a key message for all frontline practitioners working with parents, carers and families and should be ‘Everybody’s Business’.

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