Agenda item - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire, Drivers, Vehicles and Operators Blue Book Review - 6th Edition
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Agenda item
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire, Drivers, Vehicles and Operators Blue Book Review - 6th Edition
Report of the Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities (copy attached)
RESOLVED – That the Committee approve the 6th edition of the handbook save for the requirement for the MOT pending a full review of the compliance testing process.
24.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities provided in order to update the conditions, advice and information contained in the blue book handbook (The Blue Book) following statutory standards issued by the Department for Transport (Dft)
24.2 Councillor Wares stated that whilst he was in agreement with the proposed changes he did not agree with those proposed in respect of the requirements being sought in respect of MOT’s pending a full review of the compliance testing process. He sought confirmation regarding the rationale for doing so at the present time as he was aware that the taxi trade had experienced substantial financial difficulties during the past year as a result of the pandemic. He was averse to making any changes at the present time which could add additional pressures on top of those which the trade were already suffering. A full and detailed explanation was given and whilst Councillor Wares accepted that he stated that he could not accept any changes which could have an adverse impact on the trade at a time when the post covid recovery process was at an early stage and was very fragile.
24.2 Councillor Simson concurred in that view stating that she considered no changes should be made to the current arrangements pending the full review of the current testing process which had not been progressed in consequence of the pandemic. Councillor Simson stated that she was of the view that that the trade needed to be given as much support as possible until a proper review could take place and the trade could be fully involved and consulted in respect of that process. Committee Members were in agreement with those comments. Councillors O’Quinn considered that in the current circumstances that represented a reasonable and pragmatic approach. The Chair, Councillor Deane and the Deputy Chair, Councillor Davis were in agreement and the Chair sought an amendment which incorporated the discussion which had taken place.
24.3 Councillor Wares proposed that the following wording be agreed:
“That the Committee approve the 6th edition of the handbook save for the requirement for the MOT pending a full review of the compliance testing process.”
The proposed amendment was seconded by Councillor O’Quinn. The amendment was put and Members voted unanimously to accept the proposed wording which then became the substantive recommendation. Members voted unanimously in support of the recommendation.
24.5 RESOLVED –That the Committee approve the 6th edition of the handbook save for the requirement for the MOT pending a full review of the compliance testing process.
Supporting documents:
- 20210219131603_023390_0076055_BlueBook6thEdition, item 24. PDF 299 KB View as HTML (24./1) 40 KB
- Appendix A20210222121631_023470_0076068_BlueBookAmendmentsSummary, item 24. PDF 260 KB View as HTML (24./2) 8 KB
- Appendix B Blue Book 6th Edition Draft Showing Admendments, item 24. PDF 1 MB
- Appendic C20210222121632_023472_0076069_ConsultationResponses6thEditionBlueBook, item 24. PDF 582 KB View as HTML (24./4) 49 KB