Agenda item - BH2020/01609 - 25 Freehold Terrace, Brighton BN2 4AB - Full Planning
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Agenda item
BH2020/01609 - 25 Freehold Terrace, Brighton BN2 4AB - Full Planning
1. The Planning manager introduced the report.
2. Ward Councillor Fowler spoke to the committee and stated that they objected to the development in this mixed area with a number of houses of multiple occupancy (HMO). The accommodation is considered poor with not much communal space and a lack of privacy and parking. A road safety report should be done as refuse vehicles are unable to access the road. The councillor considered the area to be overcrowded.
3. The applicant’s agent, Simon Bareham, spoke to the committee and stated that the building was a vacant industrial space and the development would provide ten units of accommodation. The scheme had been reduced from 13 units to 10 and the principle was acceptable under policy CP13. The space had been advertised before the pandemic and no offers were received to use the industrial space. The limit of 10% HMOs in one area has not been reached as the proposal would take the percentage to 9%. The HMO use is the most appropriate for this slender sight which has been designed to have a positive impact on the area. The accommodation is centrally located with large rooms and a ground floor disabled flat. The brick design is in keeping and the height is acceptable.
Questions for speakers
4. Councillor Childs was informed that the accommodation was not just for students and would be available to all on the open rental market.
Questions for officers
5. Councillor Theobald was informed that the previous use had been B1 light industrial with workshops and offices.
6. Councillor Shanks considered the use to be good and was a good location. The councillor supported the application.
7. Councillor Theobald expressed concerns over the loss of the light industrial site and the loss of employment. The councillor noted there were many students in the area already and was against the application.
8. Councillor Childs considered the design to be bad and the proposals an overdevelopment of the site, with loss of employment space. The councillor was against the application.
9. Councillor Janio supported the application.
10.Councillor Henry considered that younger people want this type of housing and the way people live was changing. The development of the site was considered good and the councillor supported the application.
11.A vote was taken, and the committee voted 7 to 2 to grant planning permission. (Councillor Yates had left the meeting and did not take part in the discussions or the decision making process).
12.RESOLVED: That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives in the report.
Supporting documents:
- Header BH2020 01609 - 25 Freehold Terrace, item 113M PDF 22 KB View as HTML (113M/1) 3 KB
- Plan BH2020 01609 - 25 Freehold Terrace, item 113M PDF 299 KB
- Report BH2020 01609 - 25 Freehold Terrace, item 113M PDF 127 KB View as HTML (113M/3) 107 KB
- Cllr Hill rep BH2020 01609 - 25 Freehold Terrace, item 113M PDF 116 KB View as HTML (113M/4) 6 KB
- Item M - BH2020 01609 - 25 Freehold Terrace, item 113M PDF 1 MB