Agenda item - BH2020/03516 - BHCC Household Waste Recycling Site, Modbury Way, Hove BN3 7DU - Removal or Variation of Condition
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Agenda item
BH2020/03516 - BHCC Household Waste Recycling Site, Modbury Way, Hove BN3 7DU - Removal or Variation of Condition
1. The Planning manager introduced the presentation for the item.
Questions for officers
2. Councillor Fishleigh considered the cycle lane outside the site was an issue and was informed that the operation changes were proposed due to COVID-19 and the benefit of opening earlier to would be to eliminate the need to close during the day. It was noted that the change of opening hours has been trialled with no complaints. The senior solicitor stated that good reasons would be required to change the hours change to temporary until lockdown was over.
3. Councillor Theobald was informed that the trial run of more than 6 months included the proposed opening time of 7am, one hour before the previous time of 8am, and no complaints have been received.
4. Councillor Ebel was informed that the closest residents were to the west of the site with gardens backing onto the recycling site and are protected by an existing acoustic fence.
5. Councillor Janio considered that the cycle lane outside the site was not acceptable and a proper trial needed to happen outside of COVID-19 circumstances. The councillor was informed that the proposals were acceptable on their own merits. The earlier opening hours will allow vehicles to enter the site before the public are allowed on site.
6. Councillor Miller considered the cycle lane to cause traffic jams, the earlier opening of the recycling waste site could set a precedent and other businesses could make the same request. The councillor felt an additional condition restricting the opening times of the site would be beneficial.
7. Councillor Shanks noted that there always appeared to be long ques at the site and the cycle lane did not affect the traffic. The councillor considered the proposed opening time to prevent daytime closures a good development. The councillor supported the application.
8. Councillor Theobald considered the cycle lane to block traffic and should be removed. The one hour earlier opening time would be good, however, this should be temporary only and removed after lockdown has ended.
9. Councillor Henry considered the cycle lane had a widespread impact on the surrounding area, not just the immediate residents. The councillor considered the opening hours adjustment should be temporary as was the cycle lane.
10.Councillor Yates considered there was not doubt about the impact on the neighbouring properties and the permission should be temporary with no links to other proposals at the site. The councillor proposed a 2 year conditioned period.
11.Councillor Childs stated they would support a condition for the earlier opening time to be temporary. Increased access to the site is good however, a trail period should be considered.
12.Councillor Ebel stated they supported the application as proposed as the changes have been in place and no complaints have been received.
13.Councillor Janio agreed with other councillors and considered the congestion created by the cycle lane was the reason for the application. The no left turn into the site was a major issue. The proposals could set a precedent. The councillor was against the application as proposed and supported a condition restricting the proposed opening times to 2 years.
14.Councillor Littman stated they supported the application and considered there was no link to the cycle lane.
15.Councillor Yates confirmed to the senior solicitor that the temporary state would be for the opening times in the application not the site storage adjustments.
16.Councillor Yates proposed a condition restricting the new opening times to a 2 year period. Councillor Janio seconded the proposal.
17.The chair put the additional condition to the committee and by a vote of 7 to 2, with one abstention, the committee agreed the amendment.
18.A vote was taken, and the committee voted unanimously that planning permission be granted as amended.
19.RESOLVED: That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives in the report.
Supporting documents:
Header BH2020 03516 - BHCC Household Waste Recycling Site, item 113A
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BH2020-03516 BHCC Household Waste Recycling Site, item 113A
PDF 317 KB
Report BH2020 03516 - BHCC Household Waste Recycling Site, item 113A
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Item A - BH2020 003516 BHCC Household Waste Recycling Site, item 113A