Agenda item - BH2017/01108 - Site of Sackville Hotel, 189 Kingsway, Hove, BN3 4GU - Request to vary the terms of the Deed of Variation

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Agenda item

BH2017/01108 - Site of Sackville Hotel, 189 Kingsway, Hove, BN3 4GU - Request to vary the terms of the Deed of Variation


1.    The Planning Manager introduced the report.


Questions for officers


2.    Councillor Shanks was informed that this was a historic scheme started before the council got involved in such schemes and it is considered that shared ownership is a form of affordable housing. New schemes are looked at with regard to half rented and half mortgaged.


3.    Councillor Miller was informed that the District Valuer Service (DVS) did re-assess the proposals and the difference was minimal. The subsidies available will be negotiated between the developer and the registered provider. It was also noted that the S106 agreement was dated 14.11.17 and it was not known if the DVS looked at this agreement.


4.    The Planning manager reiterated that the application was to agree that all the units be shared ownership and a viability appraisal was to come.


5.    Councillor Miller proposed to defer the application, and this was seconded by Councillor Littman.


6.    A vote was taken, and the proposal to defer the application was agreed by 7 to 1, with 2 abstentions.


7.    RESOLVED: The application is deferred to seek further information regarding what / how much money the review mechanism could capture and whether this could be factored into money paid to the Council.

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