Agenda item - BH2020/02836 - Land South of Ovingdean Road, Brighton - Removal or Variation of Condition

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Agenda item

BH2020/02836 - Land South of Ovingdean Road, Brighton - Removal or Variation of Condition


1.    The Planning Manager introduced the report.




2.    Ward Councillor Mears addressed the committee and noted that the application was on a sensitive site and the previous planning application had many issues. The site is very steep and would need careful monitoring as the rear of the site contains Red Star thistles, which are protected. Flooding could also be an issue. The design details are lacking, and the committee should have site of everything.


3.    The applicant’s agent, Julian Walker, informed the committee that there were no plans to build on the open space to the rear of the site. Outline permission has been granted for 45 dwellings including affordable housing. The appearance of the dwellings will be a separate matter and will be submitted later along with levels and drainage resolutions. The agent has negotiated with the residents and planning officers regarding this sensitive site. It was not that no Red Star thistles have been lost and transport tracking had been carried out with a refuse truck as the model.


Questions for speaker


4.    Councillor Theobald was informed that the design of the dwellings and site will be submitted under reserved matters.


5.    Councillor Ebel was informed that access to the site for facility vehicles had been tested using the refuse lorry model.


6.    Councillor Fishleigh was informed that the levels will be submitted by condition.


Questions for officers


7.    Councillor Janio was informed that this application would not alter the S106 agreement or Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).


8.    Councillor Miller was informed that the proposed layout of the site was similar to the previous outline permission.




9.    Councillor Theobald stated they did not vote the previous application on this steep site and hoped that the dwellings will be suitable for the site and the wildlife will be protected.


10.Councillor Miller noted the informal open space proposed for the site and considered that changes to the pond would be an issue. The application, allowed at appeal, was not appropriate and the councillor stated they were against the principle of development on the site.


11.A vote was taken, and the committee voted by 6 to 1, with 3 abstentions to grant planning permission.


12.RESOLVED: That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives in the report.

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