Agenda item - Presentation - Children and Learning- Update on Implementation of the City's Health and Wellbeing Strategy

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Agenda item

Presentation - Children and Learning- Update on Implementation of the City's Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The Executive Director, Families and Learning will give a presentation at the public Board meeting which will provide a summary overview of the work and progress made within Children, Families and Learning to support the Health and Wellbeing Strategy


54.1    The Executive Director, Families, Children and Learning, Deb Austin, gave a presentation providing an update on implementation of the City’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


54.2    It was explained that this dovetailed with the over-riding corporate strategy the stated aim of which was to provide everyone in Brighton and Hove with the opportunity to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. The Families, Children and Learning vision dovetailed with this by seeking to address disadvantage and deliver safe and whole family services which were inclusive, accessible and sought to improve outcomes. Covid had provided heightened awareness of health and wellbeing concerns/inequalities. There had also been an impact on progressing work, changes had needed to be made in order to focus on a reactive/emergency response.


54.3    After initial moves to providing most services on-line, essential services were now available on a face to face basis within government guidelines with a shift of some social work services providing more support to families around issues such as food or digital poverty.


54.4    Details were also given of the strategy outcomes being sought to meet the starting well and living well strategies. The early years provision including the delivery of family coaching and parent interventions in order to provide holistic whole family support for which there had been high demand during the pandemic. There was also a specialist adolescent service which included support around substance use and sexual health.


54.5    In meeting the living well strategy, structures were in place to support adults with learning difficulties into work, in the city this stood at 7.9% compared with the national average of 5.5%, this also supported the City Employment and Skills Plan. There was also a Care Leavers Pledge and provision of supported living to those to live outside of care homes. In Brighton this stood at 78.9% of adults being in settled accommodation when set against the national average of 77%.


54.6    Members welcomed the presentation and update which had been provided.


54.7    RESOLVED – That the contents of the presentation be noted and received.


          Note:  Councillor Clare, Children of the Young People, Learning and Skills Committee was in attendance to hear the presentation. Councillor Clare stated that she had welcomed the opportunity for a presentation to be given to the Board updating on work which had been undertaken and structures which were in place going forward.

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